Who is going to LightBox Expo?
Have you received your goodie bag ??
Me and my girlfriend will be online for it. We went to the expo last year and it was absolutely amazing. We had our tickets for this year as well but due to a certain someone I won't name in public *coughCovidcough we will be online.
But I highly recommend going next year to anyone who can if the show is still on in 2021.
I'm interested but on the fence with my decision due to the parting ways with Jake and inktober and SVS tweet. However that tweet was deleted. So I don't know what to think. Because I don't know where they stand now on things.
What is on the agenda? When you visit the website, you are redirected to the registration page and need to pay (?) between $1 and $40. Is it the registration fee? What's the program? It is very unclear. Also, do you think they ship the goodie bag outside the USA?
@Molambo svs and Jake kicked out? I don't know anything about it! Can you tell me more?
@Norman-Morana I've never imagine that I can attend it since I live in Europe. This is the one thing I am glad that corona happened.
@Dima-Eichhorn Well, it's the whole Inktober controversy thing. Alphonso Dunn accussed Jake of copying the former's book. Despite no solid conclusion having been reached, Lightbox decided to let go of Jake to avoid backlash from Dunn's supporters.
@Shyam-Sailus I didn't buy this kind of entry, I got the 1- dollar one.
@Blitz55 I am really grateful to corona about this.
I couldn't imagine that I am attending it ever, since I live in Europe.
@Coley I don't know anything about it, can you tell me more. I saw svs logo on the light box site actually.
@Julia unfortunately my English is not do good to tell you, but you may visit Bobby Chiu channel in YouTube. He explains everything.
@Dima-Eichhorn that would be a journey. I’m lucky in that I’m only a two hour flight away from Pasadena. The cost aside, I wouldn’t rule it out, last year I met a ton of people from outside the US. It would be an investment, so it’s not something I’d recommend on a whim.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Oh, my ! Really? I,very read in the forum about this stupidity. This Dunn man is so overreacting . I really can't believe this is happening about an educational book. I don't know Dunn but I didn't expect this from Bobby Chiu. So confused.
@Dima-Eichhorn it's a whole mess
@Norman-Morana Yes, I follow so many great artists from Germany and they were attending last year. But for me at this point is really not a good investment to fly overseas. So , here i am , happy that it is online.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I've just was in twitter. I can't believe that there is so much hate towards Jake . And even coming with racist arguments. It is awful. Oh, my god, it is just awful.
@Dima-Eichhorn it's really discouraging
@Dima-Eichhorn so I think lightbox must have been inundated with messages and massive pressure from people. They posted a tweet saying something along the lines of “ thank you for the messages, lightbox is parting ways with Jake Parker/inktober/svs learn.” This was in the first day or so. I posted a reply saying that the correct thing to do would be to wait for a response from Jake before assigning guilt and cutting ties as they were hearing only one side. I went back a day or so later and the tweet had been removed. So I wonder if he had a change of heart. The svs logo being on the site is a good sign. I can understand that he was probably under incredible pressure and I hope he did realize that it might have been jumping the gun. I saw that Tom Bancroft, who is part of lightbox expo has spoken out in support of Jake, and peter han said everyone should calm down lol, and not assign guilt and gather info as it comes ( he has a good video on his Instagram). I’m interested in doing lightbox too, and I might, Still deciding! I’m also pretty busy at the moment! I also just joined Loish’s patreon so there’s a lot of stuff for me to comb through there, so maybe I have enough to do haha. Just wish I knew where lightbox stands that’s all. The fact that they removed the tweet is good. Too bad everyone has to get caught up in this drama!
I say go and do lightbox and have a great time! -
I will be taking part as much as I can with my 6 year old running around the house all weekend
There are SO MANY good panels going on every hour, i’m having a hard time narrowing down the ones I want to attend! I’m looking forward to soaking up all the knowledge
@Coley Thanks a lot for the answer. Past two hours I read about this and it is awful. I really hope Jake is ok. About the logo - it is not there anymore. I hope more and more people come and support Jake because he deserves it. He doesn't deserve this hate.