@donnamakesart Yup, i'll try to post as much as I can about it's creation from start to finish.
@Heather-Boyd thank you for the comments. At this stage the text is just pasted in without so much thought aside from checking how much of the page it takes up, but thanks for pointing it out
My first task is to break up the story into parts and think about how it could be laid out onto the page. I started to sketch out some ideas on paper and highlighted parts of the story or objects that will be important to show.
I originally thought I might make the story a mix of spreads and spot illustrations, but after consideration i've decided that I want to have 1 page for the text (with some small illustrations bordering it) and the other page will be a vignette. My reasons for this was that it felt like the story was quite a traditional tale and could be best told focusing on select scenes and characters.
After this I'll be posting character design sketches and refining the pig design. I'm quite happy with the mother nature character, but i'll still leave some room for improvement.