OCTOBER CONTEST: Everyone was having a great time at the Halloween feast until...
@LisaF Looking forward to it!
(and excited for the next prompt!)
This post is deleted! -
Hello all,
I am new to the forum and I realize that my artwork for the contest is not eligible to be considered a valid entry. I just wanted to post the final version for the sake of getting some invaluable feedback from you all. Thanks in advance for any feedback/helpful suggestions.I chose to compose a simple scene in which 4 young creatures are enjoying an evening playing a board game (Monstropoly) when a fifth character (literally a fifth wheel) enters the scene with a boombox and a balloon. Some might recognize him as Barney the dinosaur. As a parent of 3 kids, one being a teenager, I often revel in seeing them squirm when I play songs from their toddler years. My playlist of songs include music by the Wiggles, Barney, and VeggieTales ... it never fails to send them screaming to their rooms.
@LisaF Just curious if CA is still on for today. I didn't see a link and no one has mentioned it so I thought perhaps it had been delayed. Thought I'd check in case anyone else was in the same boat
We'll be getting started with live critiques soon! Join us at 2pm MST to vote for your favorites
@jdubz Yes, it's ON!
@jdubz Use this https://courses.svslearn.com/courses/take/critique-arena/lessons/7844392-may-contest-mermay. the link for today is in the 10 September folder.
@Dima-Eichhorn @jdubz Thanks Dima! That's right, there's a link in the Critique Arena class that you can use to join the Zoom session. Somebody (it was me!
) forgot to update the chapter title to Nov 12 Critique Arena. I just updated it, so be sure to look for November rather than September!
I couldn't get on (I know it's not the time yet) but this is what I got, which I have never had a problem with:
Join a Meeting
Meeting ID?
Webinar has expired.
Your meeting ID is a 9, 10, or 11-digit numberThanks,
@Heather-Boyd Hi! Yes, I think several people have gotten that, I'm not sure why. I asked our email campaign manager about it, but in the meantime I shall email you!
@LisaF Iām getting the same!
@LisaF I'm having the same problem with the webinar being expired? Thanks for looking into this!
I also had trouble with the link--thought I'd missed it with the time change
Here is the updated link that I used: https://courses.svslearn.com/courses/take/critique-arena/multimedia/16199010-link-for-nov-12-critique-arena -
has it started yet?
@miranda-hoover Amazing! That worked for me. Thank you!!
@Heather-Boyd yes!
I went in through critique arena on the subscription and that worked
I'm having the same issue.
Having been trying to figure out why for the last 40 minutes... Since I'm not able to join the live webinar, will I be able to watch a replay?
@Natalia Emailed you the link!
@Natalia But yes, there will be a recording available!