October Slideshow
Thank you so much! @LisaF
@LisaF hi there can you send a new link? I'm getting a message asking for a Meeting ID thanks!
Hi @LisaF, link is not working for me either....
@LisaF I'm having trouble too. It says the webinar has expired.
Sorry to bother @LisaF but same problem here, the link results expired :c
Hello, I am having the same issue as well. Perhaps a new email can be sent to all members as it isn’t an isolated issue?
Thank you kindly for the support!
Yes me too ,same problem
I am also having the same problem. A universal email with a bee link is probably what is needed here. Sorry to be a bother.
Hi all! Sorry about that! There's seems to be some sort of snafu, I've asked the email campaign manager to investigate, in the meantime let me know if you need a link!