Slowvember/draw 50 things - Feedback needed
Wow ! I would love to see the coloured version !!!
This looks great! All of the tiny details really make it really interesting to look at. I think you're heading in a great direction!
@ValD thank you so much! I will definitely post the further process of this piece
@ReganArtFart thank you!! I always love pictures with tons of details and a lot of things go discover, so Iβm definitely happy Iβm trying to create one myself
This will be so amazing! Very nice line work. I can't wait to see it finished
The only perspective that you might need to take another look at is the table in the foreground. I think we may be seeing a bit too much of that top of it and it should instead be thinned out a bit so it looks like it is a little bit closer to eye level. I was using the perspective of the shelf as a reference point to figure out how the table would line up. Hope that makes sense!
Itβs a gorgeous piece. Iβm excited to see the finished result
@Griffin Thank you a ton vor the feedback! I will definitely have a look at it, I think I also have some objects in that area that don't quite fit. (like fore some I made a perspective study first, but for others like the tea cup not and I think it shows a bit.) Its so good to have some fresh eyes look at it!
@K-Flagg thank you so much!
that's super nice to hear!
Awesome, so many things to find...Really great work and body understanding.
Only one thing, is he trying to take something from the self or he did give soemthing back und now he is retracting? Because if he wants to take something out of shelf, his hand should be rotated to his right, like taking something from above. Now his hands looks like he put something back und is retracking his hand now.
whole illustratioan willlook so awesome...loking forward to see more.
PS. he has nice b... -
@MichaelaH ahh thank you so much! you are right about the hand, I want him to take something down, and it really looks more like he is putting something back at its place. so I will rework that!
(also.. XDD thanks I worked really hard on that, it was so hard to get all of the body shapes kind of right in his perspective) -
It makes me think of Tomb raider...
@ValD oh really? How so? Canβt say I know much more about it than the name ^^β)