APRIL CONTEST: Design A Fairy-Tale Inn
@Jacy13 thank you! I feel like each enrty is better than the one before
edit: I meant of my entries! I think everybody is really bringing it!
@Mandy-Forte I love it! If that were real I'd totally go have a cup of tea there and sketch
@AustinShurtliff did I get the template right on my last 2 entries? I’d rather lose quality than be disqualified for not using the template please let me know which ones you have, I didn’t see last ones on the website.
A humid inn, with chance for lots of sun - perfect for a tortoise traveler.
Think I'm calling this one done. Welcome to the Dam Inn
Built this as a waypoint for my rabbit character and his brave capybara companion!
Hi Everyone! Here's my 2nd entry, I wanted to go bright with this one, lol. Love all the entries so far, you all are so amazing!!
Love seeing everyone's amazing Fairytale Inns on this thread! I painted with watercolor for last month's prompt...this time I decided to practice my digital skills.
Hello Friends! This is my entry for this month contest. I hope you like it ! Take big care!!
Hi everyone, this is my entry for the April contest!
This is my fairytale inn.
It rests at the bottom of the sea.
And is located within a popular undersea city. The city is surrounded by a huge oxygen dome, so there's actually no water inside.
It looks like a fish. But that's not all...
It can even uproot itself and swim away like a fish for evacuation during earthquakes.
My April Inn. This was more fun than I expected tbh
Think this one is done...
still having trouble with quality using the template though. I try and zoom in and it just goes straight to pixels...
Hi everyone! This is my first round as I just learned about the site. It’s been sweet looking at everyone’s entries so far.
Here’s my entry, “Big N’ Smole”. Lodging for all creatures, both big and smole. Hope you enjoy!!
@artofdavey love how wonky your place is!
@AustinShurtliff Has anyone else asked about the best way to use this template in Procreate on Ipad? Like @Asyas_illos I'm finding that when I download it and open it in Procreate, it comes out to 1200 px on a side. Alternatively, I can submit a square format image in the size and resolution you specify without that template.
Here's my entry for the fairytale traveler's inn. I've had less time to participate in the forum this month, and I'm experimenting with a style that lets me work in watercolor and digitally together. What do you think?
The Gentle Giant Inn - the final resting place of a careless giant has been turned into an inn by entrepreneuring mice.
Like others I find the 1200x1200 pixels of the template to be quite restrictive. The same goes for the 500kb limit to be honest. If that is how its going to be, though, I guess you have to take that into consideration early on in the design. My image is too detailed for that size I think and had I realized this earlier I would probably have chosen another subject.
The Giant Pine Pub & Inn. I'm sure you'll find some kind of help for your goblin problem there!
Hi guys! Here's my entry
So that was fun, here's another one