Hidden Tiger WIP
I'm trying to get across a cat hiding in a potted plant, pretending to be a tiger... is the concept is too complicated?
Is there anything I could do to make it more clear? Or abort and try a new one?
@cayleen I didn't get the concept that it was a small cat fantasizing about being a tiger....what if there was a small cat imagining the scene in a thought balloon...or some type of mechanism along those lines
I love the richness in your color and style but I think the concept is pretty hard since it's a thought in it's head.Thought bubble is the only thing I can think of.
Maybe a small kitten by a potted plant, but the shadow of the kitten and plant is that of a full grown tiger walking through the jungle. Kitten is walking with it’s head up, all proud next to the house plant.
Sergio Aragon’s did a set of “The Shadow Knows” in Mad Magazine. Something along this line.
@larue Thank you! Alrighty, looks like back to the drawing board . Thank you for your time and feedback!
@doodlemick Oooh, that sounds great. I'll try and find that reference. Thank you!
@randarrington Thank you!
@cayleen It's true the concept is a bit hidden.. and I don't have any helpful suggestion... but I just love this image!
@doodlemick I was just thinking the same exact thing. The large tiger shaped shadow, possibly with stripes using negative space... idk, that might not be very clean looking.
Cute idea so far though, can't wait to see where this ends up.
Thank you so much for your help! I love having a place I can turn to for feedback!
Not ready to tackle the shadow idea yet, so I'm just moving some things around. Does this work for a thought bubble? I wasn't sure that the traditional thought bubble worked for the style, but I'm not sure this is very clear either, lol. Closer?image url)
@oana Thank you!
@duh Thank you! I'd love to try that. I need to find more spare minutes!