Environments and backgrounds area huge focus for me this year - I find them to be SO tricky! This drawing definitely had major "forest" vibes when I started but I hope I landed somewhere more "jungle" in the end.
Great entries this time! I didn't realize how many directions this prompt could go in.
My entry to this month's contest. Had a lot of fun doing a full illustration for once. A lot of improvements to make for next time.
Good luck to everyone who entered!
P.s I recommend viewing this on full screen brightness as it's a pretty dark lighting setup.
Really love the work I see here and on the commissions site. Was planning on really working on my process this month but due to family life and work had almost no time. Had a day off so used the first of two idea’s, hope to be able to put in the work next month while also picking up the courses again. And hopefully I’ll see improvement when looking back in december.
@heather-boyd I would say yes. My guess would be that the submission slideshow on the critique arena website can only fit images up to 1200px by 1200px.
I made a duplicate canvas of my project and resized it, then I shrunk the artwork and added text on the bottom. So I still have the original but I also have the smaller version for the submission. -
@brettb_draws Beautiful colors and captures my imagination. The little boy is adorable.
@mag Delightful. The tiger's adoration is priceless... and the old lady's "devil may care" attitude rings true. It is indeed a story waiting to be written.
@moana-maureen Sumptuous color.
@ellenseal_art I think it looks super cute. I love the brightness and softness of the colors and shapes. In order for the concept/story to work, you needed the trees to be a certain size for the animals to reach high enough. So between that and the type of grass that makes up most of the background, could be why it feels more like a forest than a rainforest. But I wouldn't go super realistic with the background because it would take away from the art style of the characters.
I definitely want to focus on more environment artwork sometime. I have a whole pintrest board of references to practice
Now I need to add jungle photos because drawing a jungle sounds really fun.
@niels I have so many things I want to improve on and learn and practice and project ideas to create. School and family stuff pulled me away from a lot of that. I think I'm pressuring myself to make up for lost time, now that my artblock/burnout is finally over and I have given myself time to do it this year.
@chrisaakins Thanks Chris, I appreciate that!
@asyas_illos Thank you!
@ruth Thanks Ruth, I appreciate that!
Here is my submission to this month's contest. I am so impressed by all the entries here. Good luck to everyone who has entered.
Good luck, everyone. These are all great.
@mymightypencil oh my, this tugs at my heart strings. So cute! Great piece.
@mag how’s anybody supposed to win around here when you’re doing stuff like this?! UGH! ITS BEAUTIFUL! ( that was me being super jelly of your amazing talent) I LOVE your work.
I squeezed in another lol
This month is looking super fun! Can’t wait to see the top 16. Great work everyone!
Here’s mine, I’m calling it “King of the Jungle”. Any excuse to draw some grumpy animals makes my day.
@niels This one made me laugh.
@andreazupcsan Very Nice Detail I think