3 Point Perspective Caricature
OK, so here is what I am using as my reference images. As I stated earlier, a caricature is done in admiration and not to show disrespect as some may think. The banter that these three have back and forth show true friendship and respect for one another. The zingers that they toss around remind me of the Three Stooges and their constant “Slaps”, “Smacks” and “Eye-Pokes”.
So my Caricature will be The 3 Point Perspective as the Three Stooges.
Here is my sketch for this caricature. I see Lee as Moe, Jake as Larry, and Will as Curley. Can’t help it, “it is what it is…”
I have some clean up and refining to do before this is done….
@doodlemick oh lord, lol can’t wait to see the finished product!
Almost done with the inking…. Not sure if anyone noticed but these three have very simple head shapes. Lee’s head is Square, Jake is an upside down Triangle, and Will is a Circle or Egg Shape. All three very basic shapes.
OK, the inking stage is done. I normally don’t ink my caricatures, or at least I haven’t for awhile, but it felt right for this one.
Now on to the flat colors and then the painting….. -
Just started blocking in the values…….. Normally I don’t work this fast, especially when I have three faces to capture at the same time. So far so good…..
Ugg!.. I’m stuck at work when I could be home painting…..
ALRIGHTY THEN….. This is starting to come together. This is a more cartoony style that I haven’t done in a long time, and it was fun.
Almost done, a few more adjustments, and I should be able to post the final piece tomorrow…..
This post is deleted! -
@asyas_illos Not sure how to TAG, and I'm not quite done yet. I have a bit more to do on this....
@doodlemick you just do what I did and put their handles in there I will delete my post so you do it when you’re ready
Final Caricature is complete, but I am having an issue getting connected to Clip Studio Paint through my work network. (Firewall blocking me). Once I have this issue fixed, I will be posting the final caricature. I think it turned out good, not bad, probably could be better… I’ll let you decide…..
@doodlemick hahaha!!! These are great!
Here is the finished 3 Point Perspective Caricature of @Lee-White @Jake-Parker-1 and @Will-Terry. I finished this last night but waited to post it because timing matters. (Not True, I tried to post it earlier, but file size was too large, and other networking factors)
Thought Process - If you care…..
After watching almost 80 “3 Point Perspective” Podcast with these 3, it finally dawned on me that they remind me of the modern day Three Stooges. (In a good way). With their constant bickering and bantering back and forth as metaphorical slaps, smacks and eye pokes. I wanted this to feel like the old time black and white Three Stooges logo, while at the same time adding in a gage representing the 3 Point Perspective logo. Lastly, I wanted to make it look/feel vintage, so I added some noise as the last step. I hope you like it, and now onto CBPro 2022……. -
@doodlemick Too funny.
@doodlemick ha ha great job!
I am going to post this on my Flickr and Instagram accounts. If you prefer that I did not, please let me know, and I will remove it.
@Lee-White @Jake-Parker-1 @Will-TerryThank You