FEBRUARY CONTEST: The garage was trashed, but Riley made something to be proud of
Definitely vibed with this one a lot more!
@ruth i love the pastel colours, the characters and the point of view. And the garage torn up - so basically everything
I think I am ready to call this one finished.
@cayleen Cute! Good color choices!
@chrisaakins this turned out great. Love the expression
@cayleen I like how there are different sized boots to fit different people's feet
@ruth this is great
@asyas_illos I think this is lovely. Glad you went on to finish it.
@angelinakizz Big thumbs up to Riley the pirate
@lizardillo awe thanks so much! I have a total attachment to her, and now Iβm brewing up a story so I can really bring her to life.
@miranda-hoover Thanks! I had fun with it!
@lizardillo Awww thanks so much! I was really pleased with this one.
@charlottesart Thank you! That's really kind of you. I ended up really enjoying this one despite my initial reaction to drawing a garage.
And it was fun to try out a birds-eye view.
@cayleen Love how this turned out. Great colours and really fun idea!
@ruth Thank you!
Hey all! I'm new to SVS, working through the basic courses and learning a lot. Here's my first of hopefully many monthly submissions for this fun contest
@mm_illu welcome mike, nice illustration.
@mm_illu Ah, this is great, thank you for making ma laugh
I really like the shot and situation you chose!
Here is mine after some additions and changes. Thank you to everyone for the helpful feedback while it was in progress.
Nearly there. Some fantastic pieces yet again guys.