Back from training!
Hey everyone! I went silent for about 6 months. I was viewing myself striving for the wrong things while I was here. So I wanted to embark on a journey to mature in nature and in artistic ability. Wanted to come back and say hello and share some of my latest work. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to catching up with some familiar buddies and new artist.

@frankiiij welcome back, I love all the different perspectives you choose!
@frankiiij Welcome back friend! I have missed you!
Welcome back @frankiiij! These pieces look great!
@Asyas_illos Thank you. Perspective are a joy to do.
@chrisaakins YOOOOO! I have missed you to friend! I see your work progression have got crazy good! I’m excited to see more of your progression!
@Jeremy-Ross What’s up??? I am about to go and stalk your artwork. I bet it is fire!
@frankiiij aww thanks! I’m trying!yours is really good too!