@Jeremiahbrown haha nice! I like how you left it up to line work! And thank you for the compliment
I was hesitant to pretty much cover my characters but I too love how it turned out.
@Jeremiahbrown Extraordinary!
@Johanna-Kim Wrong place for my WIP, Thanks Johanna.
@Jeremiahbrown Really nice work, like your perspective and painting style.
@Asyas_illos A great storm image. I misunderstood your meaning about your plane, I thought you meant you would anthropomorphise that!
My concept is: On rainy nights Kali's dreams were a storm of strange.
Storm rescue! I'd originally just wanted to create a picture with these little leafy creatures enjoying a fun ride on the wind. But to make more of a story I added a bit of drama with a squirrel hot air ballooner needing rescuing from the storm, while keeping these fun loving little leaves as the rescuers' helpers.
@Asyas_illos I'm in love!!!!
@frankiiij thank you and im glad you seized the moment with my wrong vision of your rough sketch lol it came out great!
@chrisaakins I love the mood you set in this one
Here is my entry!
This is my first entry!
And my second attempt at the prompt.
This is one of my entries, hoping to have the other finished soon as well -
@Jeremiahbrown Love the energy! I feel like I am there.
@chloekrog Welcome first time entry!!! I really like the old man's expression!
Hello everyone. New guy here, and this is my first post! I'm excited to explore everything. Here is my entry for storm!