Rabbit road race feedback
I need some general feedback on this please. Also, how to add movement effectively? I tried with the movement filter on procreate but looks weird.
@Eliana-Bastidas I feel like the motion lines/blur you'd added to one of your previous pieces on the magician hat looked good. I feel like you should add something similar to the easter egg and kart.
I still think that story-wise I would like to see more racers in the background to be able to definitely tell that it's an exciting road race. Maybe another bunny just peeking up the slope of the road behind the easter bunny and looking shocked or determined? And some silhouettes further back?
Also I kind of preferred the color of your sky/background in the first coloured piece you did but that's my subjective preference.
Overall beautiful rendering!
@JQ Thank you! Yours and Meeki previous feedback really helped me out, I will make sure to add your suggestions this time as well
@Eliana-Bastidas Gorgeous rendering and character design. There's tons of movement as is. Careful about the tangent of the bunny's ear at the top edge. Story-wise, I see the bunny in the foreground doing a card trick and magic want trick, and I see an Easter egg that he's launching at the flower bunny. I also see bunny ears for another character in the bottom corner. Maybe it's holding the hat? The story you're telling isn't coming across for me, though. Perhaps add more clues? Also, it feels more like a chase than a race, so agree with @JQ to add other competitors.
Ugh, I tried my best to add another character without blocking the start sign, I need to fix the rabbits ears in the bottom so they don’t look like it’s going with the hat bunny. I don’t think I will be able to add more characters, I spent all my remaining creativity adding the last one
@Eliana-Bastidas Ah! The March Hare on the flying saucer is my favourite -- I love your characters!!! This would look so cool in a comic or graphic novel.
@Eliana-Bastidas The tea party rabbit is great! I don't think you need to add any more fully developed characters, maybe just race car silhouettes or something? I still feel like the road looks kinda empty at the back.
@Meekipink Thank you
@JQ I will try to add more stuff on the background, I still need to do the fixes that @Johanna-Kim told me about. Hope I can finish this today!