How are people feeling about Art AI?
You can win in a state fairs' art competition with Art AI now. than a banana taped to a wall, I suppose.
@willicreate Yeah, I saw that too! Felt very iffy about it...If it is in its own category it wouldn't be so bad, and I think it was a fine-art competition which I suppose is very open in terms of medium anyway, so I'm not sure how indicative that is of a wider problem yet.
Refining AI images like that might still take hours. Whether it took the years of painting/drawing/art practice is another question.
It was a very stunning image. Sadly. XD
@willicreate What irked me is the guy thinks the artists that are mad are just being petty. If digital has to be its own category at fairs, then so should AI. I can't tell you how many times my digital work has been "othered" by the gallery/fine art/exhibition set (fine arts deserved financial awards for winning top prizes, but I got told to my face that digital didn't). What exactly is it about AI art that makes it more prestigious than digital then I wonder? Not to sound snobbish, maybe I just don't fully understand the process...but to me the "artist" didn't do the heavy lifting in this piece(?) The AI did
I'm so behind that I thought your subject said, "How are people feeling about Art Al (as in Albert?)" I almost went to Youtube to see what this Al guy was posting.
@willicreate I really loved reading your response, and the reference to the introduction of photography. Thanks!
I came today to see if the new, big elephant in the room was already being mentioned in these SVS forums. I wasn't disappointed.
Now, while I do have my whole pack of mixed feelings about this whole thing, whatever I could add to the discussion Reimena Yee (a Malaysian - Australian illustrator) already wrote about, and in a much better way, that I possibly could. So I'll just leave the link here.
@willicreate wow, that’s the worst. This would be like an art director getting an award for a piece made by a concept artist working under them.
Much like an Andy acting as the sole credited artist, leaving the workshop apprentices intentionally undocumented. Maybe Art AI will be the latest ingenuity to the factory system.
@lpetiti Perhaps the reverence Art AI is receiving over digital painting stems from public perception of Art being a consequence of innate talent and privilege. There are many who ridicule digital painting as a tool for lesser artists. Art AI, however, democratizes a once mystical community, bestowing everyone an ability to produce Art with a capital A. It is the perfect device for the concept over craft debate.
And I agree that Art AI should be judged in its own category.
@Nathalie-Kranich The judges could have thought this was their Duchamp’s
moment. Can’t be the one to vote against progress. JK. I know don’t know the quality of work from the competition. It may have deserved best in show.
I take relief in believing we can command Art AI to produce an image of a person crying, but the algorithms can’t determine the difference between tears of sorrow from that of joy.
Holograms haven’t replaced vocal artists, automated cooking machines haven’t replaced chefs, and robot vacuum cleaners haven’t replaced house cleaners. I'm a little worried about de-aged and digitally ressurected actors...
We just did a 3PP podcast all about Ai based images. Should be a fun one to listen to hopefully! : )
Just thought this was a funny meme and remembered this thread, hopefully you all get a kick out of it like I did.
@AngelinaKizz I tried out Dall-E for the first time last week and got a girl with three arms. I think it will get better, though!
@lpetiti I'm with you on this...
Inspiration is from withIN, and cannot be replicated from an algorithm, and it's refreshing to know there will always be variety in the art world, despite a strange attempt to mimic it.
I say let the fad play itself out, and artists, we'll just continue to be inspired
That's hilarious!!!
News on the AI front:
Stable Diffusion, DeviantArt, and Midjourney are getting sued.
@Coreyartus I knew this would happen immediately
it's going to be a very interesting case though.
@Coreyartus Yeah, this makes me very happy. Im glad the big companies might not be able to just get away with what ever they feel like. Justice for the artists! Great news!