Kumari - concepts
@mag I also like nr 2 a bit more given the prompt. It's easier to understand and looks great
@mag Both are really good but I absolutely love your first option with the flying cat. Once you refine the details I think it'll read really clearly. The design is super cute too.
@MarcRobinson Thank you!
Right now I think I'll need to do both! -
@Jeremy-Ross Thank you! It's really cool to hear what everyone's favourites are.
@Chantal-Goetheer Thanks!
️ It's maybe more fit within the picture book world too?
@Kim-Rosenlof Thank you
️ That's exactly what I've been struggling with too! I can see a story revolving around this topic, but to do it all in one image only is a real pickle! I'm so curious what everyone is going to come up with, it's always so inspiring, because every artists bring something new and fresh
@AngelinaKizz Thank you so much!
If I have enough time I think I might do both of them actually, as they are different from each other.
I'm curious, how many people do use these prompts to build up their portfolio too? 🥸
@baileyvidler Thank you 🥰
I showed the second concept to my husband - and of course he had plenty of comments
(Are your loved ones the toughest critiques of your work too?)So I decided to redo Bear a little bit, as he was confused and thought Bear is Hedgehog's mother. The story I have in my head is that these two characters find a new friendship thanks to the broken toy, and it seams it's not coming out as clearly as I hoped.
So I changed the Bear to a Fox, with sharp teeth, visible eager to help with the mending of the broken toy.What do you think about this change? Should I keep the previous version or is it better like this?
updated version of concept #1
@mag personally I liked bear better but they both work and this newer version of winged cat looks great too, clear story.
@mag my husband is wonderful. He’s not artistic, or creative, but he sure knows how to give me feedback. He’ll take his time to look at a piece and really break down all the things he thinks work, and don’t work. He’ll look through my thumbnails or color pallettes, and he’ll give me his perspective as if he’s reading the book I’m illustrating. My harshest critic though, is my 8 year old. She’s and artist through and through, and man… she’s gonna do big things one day. She’ll flat out tell me “I really don’t want to hurt your feelings, so I’ll try to say it as nicely as I can… it’s just that it’s not very good” lmfao!
@AngelinaKizz Kids can be brutal! But I love the honesty. My mom is the worst to critique my work, because she always loves it and never thinks something might be off - which is not useful at all! But if I ever want a simple support, I know where to go
@AngelinaKizz And your husband sounds wonderful, btw! I admire everyone who actually takes time and thinks about the art and the story, even if they are not an artist themselves.
@mag awe thanks, I'm very grateful for the human I found at 18 years old, to be my better half. 21 years in now, he's like fine wine.
@AngelinaKizz howling! She sounds great. Sometimes we need brutal honesty ay?
@mag this looks great Mag and is very clear to me. Love the composition. X
@mag I think the fox is lovely but I have to disagree with your husband (sorry Mr Mag!), I preferred the bear. I think the fact that the hedgehog and bear are different species would become clearer in the coloured version and I think for me the fox feels a teeny tiny bit menacing, it might be the pointy teeth or possibly just the associations of sneaky foxes in picture books. He is really lovely and beautifully drawn, he'd definitely be a great character to draw more of. But for me personally for this image it reads more clearly with the bear because she looks warmer/more cuddly/more likely to help/ less likely to be a bit sneaky!
I really love both images, your characters are blooming adorable! Just want to give your hedgehog a (prickly!) hug! So cute! You should definitely submit both if you can! Xx
@helenbrady oh I totally ask her opinion on all of my artwork. She's got one heck of an eye!
@helenbrady thank you for sharing your opinion!
I decided to sleep on it and now I think the fix is not a good choice either.
I decided to try few different options, and hopefully I'll figure it out before I run out of time -
Here's the process so far, as you can see, here I'm trying out how it wold look like with a deer in the background.
Mainly because meanwhile I was brainstorming this piece, I've come up with a miniseries of illustrations featuring this cute hedgehog, and he's accompanied by a deer. So - I might just go and put the same character here as well.
What do you, my trusty art tribe, think about that?
Also, do you have any thoughts about the color palet? I hope to convey a sad emotions, as well as a warm and cuddly ones, so I went with earthly tones and back lit scene... -
@mag ah this is so gorgeous and the deer is perfect! Love his little alert ears, looks like ges concerned and ready to help! 🥰 And your little hog!
Colours work great too, really looking forward to seeing the rest of it! Xxx
@helenbrady Thank you, you're so kind!
I finished the first painting, now onto the second one. It's real challenge, I'm trying a new style of working with these two and so far love the process.
I have a character design for the cat and the girl already established from a proviso monthly challenge (didn't make it on time back then), which helps a lot!