Kumari WIP - help?
Hello, I’d love some feedback/help on this one. I like the idea but the lighting/composition seems dull. Any feedback would be lovely and very appreciated! Obviously this is still in the sketch phase. Thank you! (It’s my first time posting something like this - so double thank you!)
@allysa I'm no expert but maybe the composition is betraying you a little. With such a dynamic/exciting action happening, a flat/side-on layout has a way of dulling it. Perhaps a more interesting angle would help? I love the concept, and I think it hits the brief in a really unexpected way.
@allysa I agree with @MarcRobinson as regards to the angle. And maybe you could choose a different time of day with more interesting lighting to play around with, sunset or sunrise. Love that tree in the background that looks on smiling pointing out the new beginning. Great idea!
@Chantal-Goetheer @MarcRobinson Thank you both! I really struggle with exciting angles but I think you’re totally right. Any thoughts on iteration #2? (Details should make it clear falling friend is an acorn and not a worried man).
@allysa adjusting the shape of the image itself might help the composition. If you changed it from landscape orientation to portrait it would help us see how far he has to fall. You could experiment with angles too. It might be that straight on like you have drawn it works best. But you could also try moving the camera angle up so that he's looking way down at the ground far below.
@allysa First of all - I love your concept, this is great idea!
I tried a little draw over of your illustration, hope that's ok, it seemed like it would be easier for me to sketch it, instead of describe... Maybe it will spark some inspiration for you, if you struggle with composition.
@allysa and now I see you've already tried a different approach!
I think composition works great, it conveys the message, it's simple and full of energy! -
@allysa this is surely a more dynamic angle! The tree now looks a bit scared though as if afraid to loose it's acorns instead of smiling benevolently (not a word probably) knowing this falling acorn is growing into a new tree. The worried man made me laugh, it does now seem like it has arms and legs? Love to see it in it's next phase. I'm struggling along with my own wip, always comforting to know others are working on theirs.
@allysa this new angle definitely gives the image more action! Maybe it would help to find/make some photo reference of looking up at a tree?
@Mag @MarcRobinson @Chantal-Goetheer @kirsten-mcg - thanks, all, for the feedback! I think I’ll stick with the from-below angle but will work on tweaking it before adding in details.