Kamari Wip - which one?
@Chantal-Goetheer good job on your rework! It does look more underwater. My favorite paper for watercolor and colored pencil is Arches hot press watercolor paper. It’s much smoother.
@kirsten-mcg thanks! Have to orde some different watercolor paper online. In the shop near me there is only very textured ones.
I'm going to squeeze in a second idea this month. @Asyas_illos @kirsten-mcg @Mia-Clarke @Pamela-Fraley any thoughts on this composition? Was happy with the loose elements so just cut them out and played around with them. This is what I liked most. Will see where tomorrow evening takes this further. -
@Chantal-Goetheer this looks like a nice composition though I’m unsure what the object is in the bottom left corner, I’m going to guess plane? I thought maybe it was some kind of bird at first. Also I really like how your are using cut pieces to move them around until finding the right places on the page, for someone not using digital this is very smart!
@Asyas_illos thanks
. It's meant to be a very fast looking bird.
@Chantal-Goetheer ok so my initial hunch was correct, my you can make a bit smaller to help distinguish? Or show that’s farther below them?
@Chantal-Goetheer there’s a thing (maybe it’s a rule?) I don’t know, but to create an engaging or interesting image, you want to vary the sizes of the objects in your illustrations. Big small and huge. Right now things are pretty similar in size, I’d recommend mixing it up a bit.
@Asyas_illos true! Hadn't taken it into account yet. Thanks!!
@Asyas_illos @kirsten-mcg @Mia-Clarke @Pamela-Fraley I'm struggling to find the right composition and combination of sizes. The bear and bird can still change size and position. I made various and want to glue them to the final part. The rest is pretty much stuck. Won't have much time left coming days.
Which combo/comp works best? -
@Asyas_illos @kirsten-mcg @Mia-Clarke @Pamela-Fraley I decided to go for the first option of all options in the above message because the bear has more space to fall and there is most variance it seems in sizes of shapes. Tonight I will finish it with some colored pencils and scan it. Tomorrow there time is up for me. Thanks for all your help on my pieces!
@Chantal-Goetheer Sorry I missed your posts until now! I got busy.
Looking good though. Good job managing to get 2 pieces done! I was trying to do 2 as well, but ran out of time.