SVS Virtual Studio FEBRUARY 2023
@Asyas_illos I love all the cool pieces you are coming up with
@von_Nimmermehr Love your character and sketch and painting style, so fun and loose.
@ArtistErin thank you!
@Asyas_illos your stationary ideas are really sweet. i love the first version of the rabbit. so cute!
@Sarah-VanDam thank you so much! It‘s a nice compliment, that my drawing awakes an emotion inside of you. Thats all someone can wish for i guess.
@kirsten-mcg i hope it will come easy to me. Last week was the first week i had the class and it was so fun, we had some storycubes and had to come up with short stories in groops by roling the cubes and it was such a fun class. And it was kind of cool to see how easy it was to come up with maybe not a crazy good story but a funny one!
Looking forward to read something from you though!@Chantal-Goetheer thanks! and i will, i have so much in my mind that need to get out. And myabe something good will come out of it
@Kristen-Lango thank you so much!
@Larue thank you, what a sweet thing to say!
you are all so nice, i didn't think i would get so much feedback on my character. Thank you all.
@mag Adorable, I can tell you really enjoyed bringing life to these characters. Don't stop!
@Mia-Clarke Beautiful pallette and composition!
@Coreyartus What a cute idea. Good for you for challenging yourself, looks a fun story to illustrate.
This is an illustration that I feel like I revise every time I look at it
. I did it so I would have a piece in my portfolio that a variety of age ranges.
@ArtistErin Erin, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! Thank you, thank you for the draw-over—That was awesome of you to do for me, and I’ve been thinking about it for a while, considering if I want to digitally edit the piece to match your vision. Ultimately, I DO agree that the upper leg was slightly too long, so I moved it slightly in the digital version now, but I don’t think it is by much if you account for where her rib cage and pelvis are, which can be hard to see with her dress. Here are my sketched draw-overs of her anatomy from your version and mine:
Essentially, we just assumed different things about her proportions.
I think you highlighted to me that the story I’m trying to tell with the piece might be a little too obscure, but I still kind of like it myself—I want to show that impossible moment that you still imagine as a kid where you launch yourself up over the bar of the the swingset and you’re about to come around full circle. Never done before, but I still wanted to show what that might look like. So, I think I’ll remember this for future images, and maybe ask for feedback on storytelling earlier in the process, but for this piece, I think I’ll stick mainly with what I have.
Also, I just took an up-close photograph of this with my iPad with sunlight hitting it indirectly. Seemed to work!
I'm working on some character designs to then do some illustrations for a "middle grad books" portfolio. This young witch will get a funny cover, a character design sheet and some spot illustrations, like I did it for a "real" story.
The cat and the shoes are not finished yet.
I’m enjoying making these and creating Timelapse videos.
A picture that I made for friends this Christmas. My kids wanted me to add funny details because they thought they would love it. I really enjoyed that part.
image url)
Sketch chaos! This has been a long road of drawing and redrawing but I'm glad to say I think I'm finally ready for colour...
@Sarah-VanDam YES!! Awesome! I love your approach here and I am so glad I could help somehow. I do see how your vision works and conveying that incredible feeling of launching into the sky on a swing, I totally know this intention. I used to have flying dreams as a kid and often tried to recreate that feeling on the swings at school!
Post your progress! I'd love to see how this piece evolves..
Enjoying traditional watercolour again
@ArtMelC So lovely!
@Stephanie-H thank you
Color version!
@Sarah-VanDam it reminds me of my four year old son on the swing saying 'look mommy im flying like an airplane... No like a rocket'.