..Is this a scam? EDIT - IT'S A SCAM!!!
@CLCanadyArts Thanks! Yes, this one is going around in various forms. I searched it after I got one. The person is always somehow speech disabled, discouraging you from insisting that you talk with them in real time, and they usually want something for a workshop/presentation. Ironically, there is often a phone number given as well, which is the same for various people.
The more people that know this, the better!
@LauraA And it hurts because I really do have hearing problems and refuse to speak over phone unless absolutely necessary because I truly do read lips, and noone likes hearing me say, what? Can you repeat that? over and over... I also prefer text because there is also a record of what was said.I've lost work over it, and thought hey, here is someone that understands the struggle. Not.
Just all around crummy.
@CLCanadyArts yup, wherever they use the disability card, I immediately know it's a scam. Real people with disability don't do that. Also, in what way can their hearing disability affect the project?
I swear, these scammers arr shameless and uncreative.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz by not wanting to take a phone call/voice meeting.. Some pros/companies insist on it. I've literally lost work over this because I insist on text because I struggle hard with hearing.
@APHOTICMOTH Have you had any experience with the current generation of voice-to-text apps? There are some that work in real time.
@willicreate Not really. Not sure how that would work over phone or like zoom. I struggle even watching twitch streams of artists drawing and chatting. A super crisp clear mic helps but that is pretty rare, especially with a phone or zoom call.
@APHOTICMOTH Just a quick check, but it looks like Zoom offers this service. Works on mobile too. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/11990620676621-Using-call-live-transcription
Yeah, with mics it would require a good quality one... I use a pro gamer headset with mic. Don't suppose that would work for you?
@willicreate said in ..Is this a scam? EDIT - IT'S A SCAM!!!:
pro gamer headset with mic.
Bookmarking that, thank you.
I have sennheiser studio hd 280 pro headphones and a mxl 990 mic. I live in my headphones. Without them it's way more of a struggle to hear people talking.
I actually just got a referral to an audiologist to try and get some help with my severe tinnitus and hearing loss. Fingers crossed on that. Been struggling for about 25 years.
@APHOTICMOTH Glad we can turn this scam story into a helpful one.
My mother has hearing loss, so I have some understanding with what you're going through. Searching for the best device is hard... Hope the audiologist will be of more help.
@APHOTICMOTH that's very interesting. I'm sorry that has happened to you but that's also different from this situation. when you're the one supposedly hiring and have the power to choose the mode of communication, it just becomes very fishy when you feel the need to mention your disability.
@willicreate For sure. Thanks for the audio to text thing for zoom. One streamer I watch has auto closed captions always on and I am super grateful for it, doesn't always translate well but better than nothing.
@APHOTICMOTH I can certainly see how you thought it was a customized request and that made it more credible to you. That's even worse, because they send these messages to everyone, not just people who really do have disabilities. So they are impersonating disabled people, which is low.
Furthermore, they are taking advantage of the hopes artists have at the beginning their careers. We artists have to be tough and discerning all the way around. Hang in there and keep doing good work! There are legit clients are out there!
@LauraA Yeah people really don't care when it comes to scamming. Makes it harder on people when they really do have issues. Makes people skeptical of everyone.
I didn't get my hopes up too much. I definitely don't have a career and at this point I don't know if I even have the energy for one. Just been doing little freelance stuff. But hoping at least other people see this thread and don't fall for it.