"The Disaster" is here (my new book)
@Dima-Eichhorn Very nice!! Here is an amazon link if anyone else was looking for it.
https://www.amazon.com/s?k="the+disaster"+dima+eichhorn&crid=QQPN1UZRU4JS&sprefix=the+disaster+dima+eichhorn%2Caps%2C141&ref=nb_sb_noss -
@Dima-Eichhorn what a good idea love that this book fills a need.
Congratulations @Dima-Eichhorn! Looks great!
@Jeremy-Ross Thank you a lot Jeremy!
@MerryMary Thank you so much! I hope the parents find it useful!
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you dear Kevin! Can I mention that I love your work!
Kudos, Dima! Looks awesome!!
@Coreyartus Thank you Corey! I hope everything is ok with you. Long time since I've seen your post on Instagram! But maybe is just the algorithm.... I do not see a lot of artist I follow
@Coreyartus I do not see a lot of artist I follow
Ugh aint that the truth. I can't make heads or tales out of what IG is actually trying to do to connect people, but it sure doesn't seem to want me to know what's happening with a lot of the people I follow
@jdubz Absolutely right. The same people on my feed. The only way to something different in through the stories. My stories lately have more views than my actual post. Very discouraging and sad.