SVS Virtual Studio SEPTEMBER 2023
@braydin-hawlette this is the Braydin I remember. How many of September shares will be yours LOL. Love it! Good friendly competition.
@Heather-Boyd lol not many, I assure you
I'm too busy writing to do much drawing
@braydin-hawlette that's unfortunate. Your drawings/stories are always entertaining.
@Heather-Boyd These are beautiful drawings Heather! Really nice line quality!
SO lovely to see illustrations from everyone here.
I am currently working on this cactus, one of the many cute monsters that I'd like to make a series of.
I watched Lee White's lesson on Light and Shadow and it helped me render my colors well.
@Annika-Wenzel the Koala is so adorable!
I made this thinking about fun activities we do in the fall. Baking is a favorite activity of mine. I am super ready for some pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate zucchini cake, ginger cookies... You get the idea.
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you
Been a long time -hope you are well.
@Heather-Boyd It has been a long time! Had a bit of a detour this past year. My brother needed a kidney and I was thankfully a perfect match. Everything went well and I’m getting back to making art again. Yay! Hopefully make something worth posting soon.
Hey I know it’s been awhile since I posted here. Lots of stuff has been going on but I should be on here more frequently now that my schedule isn’t totally wonky. Anyway, here’s a sketch of Leon Kennedy from Resideng Evil 4. He’s one liners are gold just saying
@Heather-Boyd The shading you added to the bunny is so good! I love it
So... Many... Tiny... Little... Trees...
@braydin-hawlette Your.... Maps... Are... So.... Good....
@Kevin-Longueil So happy for you and your brother. What a blessing. Looking forward eagerly, you are skilled. I miss seeing your work!
@Liane-Colico Haha, great monster saguaro cactus. I spent a lot of years in Arizona surrounded by these cactus. BTW, working with light and shadow is probably my favorite part of doing art - thanks for the reminder about Lee's class.
@Kevin-Longueil Wow, Kevin! What an amazing experience to donate a kidney to your brother. It's wonderful to hear that everything went well! Congratulations to both of you!
@braydin-hawlette This is so great! I can just imagine how much time you spent on all the trees but they look amazing.
I haven’t drawn anything new for over a month now. After getting rejected by every agent I queried, I kind of lost both my motivation, and creative new ideas for what to draw. I’m hoping I can get it back in time to be driven to participate in inktober
@jvartandillustration that is so frustrating, but I hope you get it back too. Love the fan art.