29 Jul 2024, 19:03

I like the ideas that others have given for the sake of design. If you just want help to understand the perspective here are some draw-overs and hints.

You can use these if you end up changing the design.

I believe you can do this with one point perspective.
The farthest wall is a straight rectangle and so is the doorway.

It looks like your perspective line does need to be moved up, or the person in the doorway will look like they are standing on a line.

From there the side wall floor and door just need to match the perspective lines.

A good way to do an easy measure of the people is to make sure they are generally on the same perspective line. (assuming they are about the same size). Check to see that the same body part has the perspective line through it. In this picture just above the knees seems about right, give or take depending on the height of the person.

So generally your people look like they are in pretty good perspective for the most part according to my understanding. You could fiddle around with them slightly to get them more in line with each other and the door. but also think about how people are different sizes and take that into account.

Screenshot Draw over.jpg