Getting an Agent was bad for me.
All I can say is that everything you've ever posted on SVS has been awesome and inspiring for me. I find it so hard to believe that artists of your caliber aren't getting work.
I've taken on few projects that I really wasn't "in to" emotionally and in the end didn't like the end product, it's only those project/pieces that interested me that I was proud of. I know we all have dreams of actually making a living on our art but I'm afraid it's like wanting to be a successful actor, few and far between. But...we can find fulfillment in creating what brings us joy! -
@menalkhan thank you. It's crazy to me because your work is absolutely beautiful and I'm glad you decided to try elsewhere.
I appreciate the support so much thank you. -
@tombarrettillo cheers mate and yeah I think it's time for me to lean into the stuff I really enjoy. I've been trying too hard for too long to fit in. I've not completely written off children's book work, but I think it will have to be my own stories. A change of agent too.
@Michael-Angelo-Go definitely lean into the stuff that inspires you mate. It's hard trying to force it, and it'll probably show in the work. I still think there are really good opportunities in the kidlit industry if you've got the right idea and style to get picked up, but you're right that it's not the only way to go anymore.
@Larue that's really nice of you to say Larue, thank you. I suspect that the agent isn't sure where to put me, and that's down to the images I've sent them I think. And THAT is due to my heart not being in it. I'm sure they have artists on their roster who can just make stuff like a production line, but that's not me. I don't have much time to draw, with 3 kids, so I need to make my own stuff. For me.
@MarcRobinson I had a similar experience with a large and well-established agency (which has been mentioned a few times on the SVS podcast). Over a year of representation, I got like one children's magazine project from them, and I also feel like I have gotten lost in their huge roster of highly talented artists. This seems like a common pattern for big agencies.
I decided to part ways with my agency last month and am now navigating my own path. I've come to realize that I've spent a lot of time creating work to fit the market, rather than making art that truly resonates with me. Ironically, this approach didn't yield the results I hoped for. So, I've been asking myself, why continue trying to fit in when I can focus on creating for my own joy? A part of me remains passionate about illustrating for children's books, while another part of me yearns to focus on embracing illustration as just a fulfilling hobby, free from the pressure to generate income.
I think your work is absolutely incredible and it's such a bummer that you haven't gotten any project yet through your agency. I believe there's a market for diverse art styles; it's just a matter of finding the perfect match. I'm not in a position to offer advice because I'm also struggling and have yet to find an answer, but I'm here rooting for you. Keep creating, pushing forward, and sharing your progress!
@Jason-Crowley it's kind of you to say mate but I wouldn't say there is no hope for you! Our styles are different and there will be opportunities for you, it's just a case of when. It's funny you should mention concept art for games because that's kind of where I've come from. Well, sort of. I did game art at university, then had a spate of freelance concept gigs. But I think I've realised I don't like making other people's stuff! Ha. It's going to have to be my own stories. Have you ever considered doing a short story/novel that is illustrated? Might fit your story idea better than a picture book?
@MarcRobinson Like a chapter book? I hadn't considered that, but drawing in black and white appeals because I struggle with colour. Apparently, according to SCBWI, chapter books aren't doing well, I guess because kids are more into their phones than reading. I've been thinking of learning to write screenplays and submit the ideas for film/tv, which skips over the illustration part completely...
That's funny about you starting out in game art, I hear you about just wanting to do your own thing. I have a lot of game ideas but I don't have time to learn C# to build them.
Good luck with your next agent and comic!
@MarcRobinson hi Marc! I’m so sorry to hear that. Lemonade is similar to my previous agency Advocate. It’s absolutely their fault you’re not getting any jobs. They take on too many artists and they can’t find jobs for all of them much less give them the proper time and attention. And you’re saying they didn’t even give you helpful art direction. Given how they mentioned they took you on because of your multiple styles makes me think they were hoping to have you on so that you can stand in for any projects their top illustrators might pass over. I hate agencies like them. Looking at your work, I think you would’ve done well with book covers for older kids and you might’ve made it too had they put in the leg work.
I hope things get better for you. If working on your own stuff gives you the satisfaction you need, then definitely focus on that. We’re excited to see what you make. Anyway, all the best!
Marc, I really admire your artwork and how hard you've worked to level up through all the SVS challenges. You churn out stuff and it's always so good! I always look forward to seeing your pieces when they come out.
It sounds like the comic-con route is still a great option for you. In fact, you should come to the Belfast one next year, I'll buy a book and a pin!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement. Sorry to hear you had a similar experience with the other agency. Book covers are something I'm very open to, but I've always wondered what sort of agent I'd need. A literary agent or just an illustration agency? I need to change my agency either way I guess.
@Tom-Harshberger ha thanks mate I appreciate it! It's been a while since I've tabled at a convention but if I get up near Belfast I'll make sure to let you know! The last couple I went to were Thought Bubble in Leeds and the Lakes festival just before covid. Once I get a book finished I'll re-apply.
@MarcRobinson both could do the job but you need to read their profile and see if they specialize in picture books, or middlegrade and chapter books. Go for the one who does middlegrade and chapter books.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz you're a star, thank you.
@Lynniesketches hey thank you for sharing. It's easy to fall into trying to create stuff to fit in, but I think it often shows in the work, even on a subconscious level. I ALWAYS create better illustrations when I make it on my own terms. I think this self publish pro course looks amazing and one day I might be able to save for it. Until then I'm going to try and go my own way. I'm sorry to hear you had a similar experience with your agency, and you're right that it appears to be more common than a lot of people assume. I'm hoping if I create a newer portfolio with stuff that I love to do in it, then the right agent for me will pick it up. Maybe that approach would work for you too.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I have just left my agent today, and it's time to take stock and re-evaluate what I'm doing and why. I need to be more focused and intentional.
@MarcRobinson Marc, it's admirable that you had the courage to make a decision that feels right! Big cheers for the future, and I’m sure everything will fall into place in time.
@Enni-Heikura thank you.
@MarcRobinson Thank you for sharing your story. I think it took a lot of courage to discuss it. I am wishing for a more fruitful journey ahead for you, and it sounds like the experience has validated your gut feelings. I feel compelled to caution you that people can read forum posts without logging in so you might wish to **** the name of the agency if you didn't want word to get back to them about it somehow (I only had to log in to comment/react). Maybe if people want to know the name they can message you.
Again thanks, I draw inspiration and support from Rabbits like you every time I visit the forum.
@jenn thank you Jen, I've removed the agency name from my original post. Good idea.