100 Super heroes
If anyone is interested I'm keeping a board on Pinterest so these are easier to view HERE
@evilrobot o.k this looks great ...but am i that old that i have never heard of the Blue Beetle?... does anyone else remember "Kamandi"? Seriously though William these are all looking really great!!
@evilrobot Kamandi and Mad Magazine = best years of my childhood - i remember my brother buying Kamandi comics when i was super young ..maybe 4 - not understanding them really but looking at them over and over - just bough the collection a year or two ago and only now get the whole story.. looking forward to your next post... i'll have to check out "Blue Beetle"!
I did not get any exposure to super-hero comics growing up (not very popular in Italy), but Conan was a big part of my childhood in the original books by Howard and the even more riveting book covers painted by Frazetta. I would stare at those covers forever... When I started illustration I was convinced that is what I wanted to paint. Turned out I had something else in me by that time, but Frazetta is still a big hero of mine.
@smceccarelli Frank Frazetta and Conan.. right there with you ...loved Robert e Howard and
all the old school fantasy / sci-fi folks - i remember a cover with Conan and an apish man with a scarlet cape...and of course the snow giants one ! -great stuff! -
Day #12 Robin
First image I did in Ipad pro with these brushes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3uOX9iTtbY very nice brush set....um...once I could get them installed...turns out I'm a super big idiot when it comes to tech stuff....
@evilrobot Great job on these and congratulations on landing those illustration jobs! Are you going to put these together as a print when you are done?
Maybe some of the better ones. I don't take a lot of time on these so some of them are pretty unremarkable. I don't know if I'd have enough interest in a print I'm a big nobody right now as far as art goes.