100 Super heroes
Blue Beetle was created in the 1930's....lol...Kamandi.....that's some old Jack Kirby stuff. Yeah, I've never seen an actual comic of it but I've seen it online looking though Kirby's art.
@evilrobot Kamandi and Mad Magazine = best years of my childhood - i remember my brother buying Kamandi comics when i was super young ..maybe 4 - not understanding them really but looking at them over and over - just bough the collection a year or two ago and only now get the whole story.. looking forward to your next post... i'll have to check out "Blue Beetle"!
For me it was John Buscema's Conan I would look at those over sized issues for hours and hours
I did not get any exposure to super-hero comics growing up (not very popular in Italy), but Conan was a big part of my childhood in the original books by Howard and the even more riveting book covers painted by Frazetta. I would stare at those covers forever... When I started illustration I was convinced that is what I wanted to paint. Turned out I had something else in me by that time, but Frazetta is still a big hero of mine.
@smceccarelli Frank Frazetta and Conan.. right there with you ...loved Robert e Howard and
all the old school fantasy / sci-fi folks - i remember a cover with Conan and an apish man with a scarlet cape...and of course the snow giants one ! -great stuff! -
Day #8 Booster Gold and Skeets
Day #9 Plastic Man
Was tired and didn't have a lot of time. So I picked one of my least favorite characters that I didn't mind so much going simple on. This was basically just me not missing a day. I really hate this character..lol...
Day #10 Batman
And here's the first 10 days all together
Day 11 Blue Devil
Day #12 Robin
First image I did in Ipad pro with these brushes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3uOX9iTtbY very nice brush set....um...once I could get them installed...turns out I'm a super big idiot when it comes to tech stuff....
Day #13 Swamp Thing
Day #14 Wildcat
Just a quick one today. Not much to this guys costume. Picked up a couple illustration jobs today so I got to get crack'n on those....can't believe people are paying me to draw stuff...so cool...
@evilrobot Great job on these and congratulations on landing those illustration jobs! Are you going to put these together as a print when you are done?
Maybe some of the better ones. I don't take a lot of time on these so some of them are pretty unremarkable. I don't know if I'd have enough interest in a print I'm a big nobody right now as far as art goes.
@evilrobot I'd buy one
It was easy to set up a society6 storefront (cost a buck) and put a link on my portfolio page - now when folks want a print they can get it - i order one of my own prints from them to see the quality and it is pretty nice - https://society6.com/product/little-movie-heroes_print#s6-3371144p4a1v45 - here is a link to Will's print that made me think of it for you
Day #15 The Question
Day #16 Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Day #17 Black Canary
Day #18 Shazam