@smceccarelli YEAAHHHH GREAT! 100 children will be so cool!
@amberwingart Thank you!!! At my present state of mind, positive feedback is very much appreciated! The "Design 100 something" challenge has been defined by Jake Parker (there is a video about it) but there is no social media or venue for it. It also does not have a time limit (which I really appreciate). The only important thing is to commit to the number 100 and not stop before you reached it. This 100Kids challenge is based on that. It is fully self-imposed. If anybody wants to join in, I am using the #100Kids hashtag for posting. I will do a blog post when I reach 10, so I can write about my thoughts on setting myself up to this.
The Character Design Challenge has its own FB community here:
I occasionally do it, but the level of the entries is so high that I find it mildly depressing (I know, it is not an excuse...). It also has very strict criteria that are taken from the 2D animation world, where it actually comes from. Since I am born and bred in the 3D animation universe I find myself challenged by the strong focus on 2D design. -
@smceccarelli Don't stop posting at the Character Challenge, its helpful for yourself, and it helps also to learn working on deadlines. I will gladly join in the challenge. Here's my latest character
Here are the last five - including my identity crisis friend, which I have now completed in my normal way.
To celebrate, the next one is going to be a full illustration featuring the last five characters (obviously will need to adapt style so that they match). -
@smceccarelli woow, there so awesome! I see a view limps that are a bit long in comparance. The lightening and the colors are sublime!
Very very rough still, but working on a full illustration with these last 5 kids. The poses are really stretching my grasp of anatomy....and the relative sizes are also costing me a lot of thought. Do you see anything glaringly wrong? Would you work in the background (the one that is sketched in now) or keep it as a vignette, with only the figures?
@smceccarelli Hi Simona - is this supposed to be for a double page spread in a book? I ask because I fear the girl in the middle will get a little bit lost in the gutter if that is the case.
Also I think all of the characters poses look really good - like they have jumped up and are now starting to fall into the pool Except the girl in the middle. Her pose and legs look more like she is dancing or walking on the water. Something about her does not quite fit in with the others movement to me.
But the rest of them - WOW - love the girl plugging her nose on the end. And the pure joy on the face of the boy next to her. Really fun!
Nice work. I think this is going to turn out fantastic. The girl in the middle does seem to be a lot larger than the other characters. I think working on her a bit more would be my only suggestion.
@smceccarelli Spectacular!!!!!!! all i got for critique is possibly the umbrella on the right side of the canvas looks like it would be planted in the pool - i'm reading the middle figure as being slightly older than the others - this really is beautiful - joyous - love the different expressions too - really great!
Thank you everyone for your comments and tips! The girl in the middle is supposed to be older (around 10-ish) - not sure it is coming across that well. I have tried out a bunch of different poses for her legs and landed on one similar to the original one - mostly for compositional reasons (I need one of her legs to be stretched). I hope it looks less like a walking pose....
Anyhow, here is the final line. Wondering if it is worth painting it at this moment....But it may be the late hour...
@Rich-Green - it is not really for a specific print format, rather to accompany the swimming kids with a context illustration. I was imagining it as a banner, maybe on a water park FB page or as header for an article...gutter would not work on this one, you are right.
@smceccarelli Love this! My only comment on the middle girls position is I think if she is jumping in the pool her toes touching the water should be pointed. Right now to me it looks like she is standing on the water. I love the angle and the touches of background - great piece!
@smceccarelli - hope you dont mind but I did a little adjusting to your latest version:
I keep imagining that if the girl in the middle is a bit taller/older than the rest of the kids - that would make her "jump" a little stronger/higher than the rest. Plus she is so happy about jumping in - she is not tentative like the kids on the ends who would have jumped less or even a second or two later than the rest.
So I lowered the overall image down within your area a bit to give us a bit more sky - and then I moved your middle girl up above the rest. I adjusted the kids she is holding hands with to then make them each a bit higher than the other two. And to make the arms link up I also flipped the joyous boy. And in doing so I think having him facing in towards the center actually helps the composition and the direction the viewer follows within the image.
Some adjustments to the middle girls arm placement would be needed to properly link her hands to those kids but you get the idea.
And now her legs look like she is floating happily through the air and not walking/dancing on the water.
@Rich-Green Thank you a ton Rich, these are great suggestions, and I am going to implement them! Your flow looks a lot more dynamic and I agree with flipping the asian boy.
I will let it rest for a few days now rather than going to paint straight away - I am seeing quite some anatomy flaws and some of the poses do not look natural. I am getting back to it with fresh eyes during the weekend. So kid drawing no 10 is going to be a different one...;-) -
Well done with these smceccarelli The gestures look proportions look great.
Kids do not only jump in pools....So kid No 10 will finally heralds Fall, waiting for the pool-jumping kids to sort themselves out...
@smceccarelli I love all of these, I also have tried to do something besides my normal, which isn't developed as far as yours... I think maybe we should just embrace what we do and enjoy it. I am waiting to see what these will become. I would hire you...
It's really fun to see your kids project updates. You do really great work!
@smceccarelli love it!, theres so much fun in this!
Kid No 11 - Getting into Inktober, I may or may not be able to do these for a while. But I may get so fed up with inking that I need to paint for a while ;-). This is part of a series of two that I sketched - so there will be a second snail-boy.
Wow @smceccarelli that is amazing work - I love the lustre on the snail, the concept - unusual but cute! - the lighting, the shine...all just perfect. Such a great piece!