Nana character design for new book dummy project
I agree with @Sarah-LuAnn...I'm biased to choose the one that reminds me of my own grandma. (#2) I do think that #2 doesn't quite look "independent" but that may because she is looking up--like a child looking up to a parent or someone. If her eyes were focused down, I think that would totally change her personality.
Thank you everyone! I moved the gaze direction of number 2 - the impact is really surprising. And added two more - I wanted to try without glasses.
Any new favorites? -
#2 really works for me because it's that "sneaky grandma factor"... my grandma was a fairly unassuming looking woman but had a very adventurous spirit (she could instantly have a gleam in her eye... man, I miss her)... I think the character design has a possibility for a wider range of emotions/expressions... able to look unassuming but will look great with more extreme expressions.
...and situations. For some reason I could see that character riding a motorcycle or on water skis and in the next panel totally comfortable standing in a kitchen baking cookies. Alright, I'll stop... for now.
1 resonated with me most they are all awesome
I like #1, #4 and #6. Number 6 is my favorite. Seems like she fits all the traits you listed. I like #2 a lot as well but she doesn't seem like she fits the "tough" part she seems too sweet. Same with #4. I think #1 could work but would need some more fleshing out.
Number 6 stood out to me instantly. She is somehow more contemporary, I think - todays grandmothers are awesome
I love all these, but 5 holds a place in my heart, she reminds me of my great granny!
Idk, but I like 1 & 7. Sorry if that throws your poll off a bit
I like number 2 too.
Your character designs are just fantastic. Trying to pick a favorite here is like asking which do I like better: chocolate, or chocolate. That being said, I'm leaning toward Granny number 9. I think a fun-loving, quirky grandma would have wild, barely held-back hair. I love the accessories on 10, though. Maybe add those in to 9.
Simply based off of my own gandmother who also resonates with the charater's description, I like number 4 the most.
My favs are 6, 9 & 10 so wonderful.
My favorites are 2, 4 and 8. Hard choice, they all look good!
And the winner 10! Actually a modified version of it, but very close.
I am now working on the first sketches, although the manuscript is still in a fluid state. I am sharing these with my agent next week, so would be more than happy to have some critique or suggestion. They are not in order: they are random pages from the book.
@smceccarelli these are AMAZING! I especially love the balcony jungle illustration. But they are all so so good.
My only suggestion is that the lettering for the little girl's speech bubbles looks slightly 'mouse drawn'? To me the writing looks a bit harsh and maybe you could soften it up. Though you are of a level much higher than me, so feel free to just ignore everything I say haha.
I really hope your agent is happy with these... otherwise I have no hope!
@smceccarelli These are so impressive to me - really well done!
You made me well up with joy seeing these. So happy for you, they are wonderful!
@smceccarelli FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! Love your style! Do you take these renderings and directly paint over your pencil strokes via photoshop or digital? Just curious because this is something I'm battling with moving to Photoshop and I do everything in pencil before I scan or snap a photo with my phone. These are beautiful, great work. Best of wishes to this you on this project.
@smceccarelli These are great. I'm really drawn to the balcony and the tea party. Beautiful work!