NEW Illustration 1 class! Enroll now!
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Thanks! I spent weeks on that drawing. Haha!
At some point I will be in this class. If there are still seats at the end, I might be able to do this one. I'll keep checking in on it.
I'll be announcing the class to the public next week, so you guys have first crack at it now. Only 16 seats for this summer one.
@Lee-White I couldn't get on with the link! How long does it last? I will be goen a lot this summer so might not be able to do it. Someday, I want to take a live class here .....
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen It's 9 weeks
Argh I will be in the middle of moving to a new house during that time. I'm trying to not make that time any more busy or stressful for myself than it already is. I'll have to catch a future session.
Oooh thanks for giving us the heads up on this. The summer is my least busy time of year, so I might be able to sign up for this one! If it's even half as good as its reputation, it will be well worth it....
@Lee-White Okay, thanks. I don't think I will be able to do it during that time......maybe the next round. I'm sure I can use it! I'm going to be gone in July and August for family things and starting an intermediate watercolor class at the local CC in late August...also a 2D design class which will introduce m eto digital art....yikes! We'll see how I do. Someday, I will do a live class here! But I enjoy having the pre-recorded ones in the meantime Thanks. Love your watercolor style!
I just signed up! That new 'order classes with your saved card' feature is a little bit tempting to press that one button and there, I'm committed! Nine weeks of fun coming up!
@Dulcie you are going to really love this class! Lee and David are fantastic and make it so challenging and fun at the same time. I hope you share some of your projects along the way - would love to see what you come up with! I am really excited for you!
@Dulcie Awesome! can't wait to see you in there! : )
Thanks @Rich-Green I am excited about it! I love a good class and from the sound of it this one is going to be super helpful! I will share some stuff from it as I go along