NEW Illustration 1 class! Enroll now!
I'll be announcing the class to the public next week, so you guys have first crack at it now. Only 16 seats for this summer one.
@Lee-White I couldn't get on with the link! How long does it last? I will be goen a lot this summer so might not be able to do it. Someday, I want to take a live class here .....
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen It's 9 weeks
Argh I will be in the middle of moving to a new house during that time. I'm trying to not make that time any more busy or stressful for myself than it already is. I'll have to catch a future session.
Oooh thanks for giving us the heads up on this. The summer is my least busy time of year, so I might be able to sign up for this one! If it's even half as good as its reputation, it will be well worth it....
@Lee-White Okay, thanks. I don't think I will be able to do it during that time......maybe the next round. I'm sure I can use it! I'm going to be gone in July and August for family things and starting an intermediate watercolor class at the local CC in late August...also a 2D design class which will introduce m eto digital art....yikes! We'll see how I do. Someday, I will do a live class here! But I enjoy having the pre-recorded ones in the meantime Thanks. Love your watercolor style!
I just signed up! That new 'order classes with your saved card' feature is a little bit tempting to press that one button and there, I'm committed! Nine weeks of fun coming up!
@Dulcie you are going to really love this class! Lee and David are fantastic and make it so challenging and fun at the same time. I hope you share some of your projects along the way - would love to see what you come up with! I am really excited for you!
@Dulcie Awesome! can't wait to see you in there! : )
Thanks @Rich-Green I am excited about it! I love a good class and from the sound of it this one is going to be super helpful! I will share some stuff from it as I go along