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@Gina-Capaldi Love how you have captured their expressions and illustrated their story - a wonderful juxtaposition of views!
Mermaids at the hairdresser - and trying out different rendering processes, as usual....
Mermaids are naturally musically gifted and it IS possible to play flute under water.

How many Mermays can I post? I have a couple...
A Mary Blair inspired mermaid scene :3
@CarrieS Your Mermaid Concerto piece is stunnning. I love the concept and the colors.
Amazing drawings! I looove to look trough this forum and it's such a great variety here!
Here's my little Mermaid drawing for Mermay -
@rizzyfig Thanks so much !
Throwing the towel in on this one and going to submit it. I will also work on getting all the images here into a slide show so you can see them all without scrolling. Hoping to get that up by this evening. Good Luck everyone!! Tons of great work here.
This whole thread is inspiring! You guys are throwing out some amazing work!
@susiart AWESOME!! Love the hair!
Here's my mermaid. I inked this a while ago and finally got around to coloring it. Great contest and I'm loving all this art! -
Here's one by Cindy Shames, I'm posting it here on her behalf : )
Okay here are my mermaids rockin it out. My daughter was actually just in the Little Mermaid Jr. and she was a mersister. It was fun to base all the different mermaids after her and the girls that were in the play. I like the new monthly contest idea. It is fun to see what everyone has come up with, amazing work here!
@corykerr great color scheme, and I agree, so much good work in this thread!
@holleywilliamson Adorable piece!
This thread has been so much fun to browse--the diversity of styles and of mermaids is a delight.
Loved looking through this thread, inspired me to finally draw a mermay today.

I did this quick study to test some brushes / techniques in Photoshop. Went for the cute look, but I like to think she would drag anyone under like any true mermaid.