This post is deleted! -
Hey Lee - I'm not entering but I was scrolling this thread and thought - what better way to spend a Sunday evening
... great prompt!
@catru I saw the image before your name and knew it was you! This is so great!
@lmrush Ha! Thank you Lisa
@Will-Terry sorry, that isn't a tree house, but a vine house jk .
I love this picture!!!! I really love how you use values. It is always so dynamic. One of the things I have been trying to grasp is how to know when darker values are in the foreground and when they are are more so in the background.
@Eric-Castleman DISQUALIFIED!
...I often look at a lot of reference before I begin a piece...this one happened because in looking for reference for another project I have to do this week - I saw a photo similar to this and the idea popped in - "put a treehouse in there" ...so the reference set the mood with dark and light values...
@lmrush I guess that's a good thing
Thank you Lisa!!!!!
@catru it is a very good thing!
My fox and bird tree house
Treehouse in red.
@Will-Terry Ooh! Love those colors! It makes me think of my boisenberry bushes and what could be happening in them
Maybe I'll go see if I have any ripe ones
These are all really cool! I am working on mine this week and hope to have it up this weekend!
Hi Lee,I can't seem to paste my tree house illustration into thread. Tried hitting reply, gave it a title, dragged it into box, but it said I don't have enough privilege. What am I doing wrong?
Linda Ferrara -
Hawaiian Tree House
@lferrara click the little button on the end and then it will ask you to select your image. Make sure it's a jpg and it's under 1 mb.
Here is my submission. My info should be on the bottom correctly. *edit, i guess my full name doesn't show: Mirka Hokkanen
@MirkaH love it!
@MirkaH I really like it, The rabbit scene hitting the ceiling with the broom is very funny.
Maybe the background is so dark, or perhaps is my computer. -
Well, I've certainly made a mess of the posting process. Better luck next time!