Treehouse in red.
@Will-Terry Ooh! Love those colors! It makes me think of my boisenberry bushes and what could be happening in them
Maybe I'll go see if I have any ripe ones
These are all really cool! I am working on mine this week and hope to have it up this weekend!
Hi Lee,I can't seem to paste my tree house illustration into thread. Tried hitting reply, gave it a title, dragged it into box, but it said I don't have enough privilege. What am I doing wrong?
Linda Ferrara -
Hawaiian Tree House
@lferrara click the little button on the end and then it will ask you to select your image. Make sure it's a jpg and it's under 1 mb.
Here is my submission. My info should be on the bottom correctly. *edit, i guess my full name doesn't show: Mirka Hokkanen
@MirkaH love it!
@MirkaH I really like it, The rabbit scene hitting the ceiling with the broom is very funny.
Maybe the background is so dark, or perhaps is my computer. -
Well, I've certainly made a mess of the posting process. Better luck next time!
Thanks! Think I did it.Linda
@Jose-Ramos it is dark because it is at night time, but it still reads ok on my ipad and laptop screens.
@MirkaH Oh, yes, I know it´s at night, it´s just I meant to create a light glow behind the tree, so the tree contrast is more visible, but it´s only an idea.
This is my entry.
It's the treehouse of little Carlos, whose family lives on the junkyard his father works on. Even though they are poor, they are a happy family utilizing anything they can find on the yard. His father made this treehouse for Carlos, just to give him something for his own: a nice little retreat in which Carlos spends his time reading (and learning from) books found at this junkyard which makes him feel like the richest boy on the planet. And sometimes a kid just wants to swing...
I wanted to give it a warm, but also dusty feeling, in my thread someone said: hopefull, which is the general feeling I want to express. I also added a bonsai tree to it, just to get more of that treehouse feeling :).
Hope you like it!
You can see a big version on my website: dscomics.nl or by clicking here
You can also add me on Instagram where I posted some fases of this project (user: dscomicsnl). -
I may do another one (and retire this one, if the other is better) but I will call it a day on this one - was fun experimenting with a new process (at least for a reasonable part of the time ;-))!
@smceccarelli Love the changes you've made! Such a beautiful piece!
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you! Turning the boy around was a really good tip.
@smceccarelli Much better with the kid going away from us! Very nice piece!
@Dennis-Spaans Hi Dennis, I love this one - very creative take on the prompt and really nice things happening already. Would you mind if I gave you a critique? I shy away from just doing it without permission since it's not WIP.