Where Are You From?
Charlottesville, VA
Stockholm, Sweden
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
I'm from Greece, my hometown is called Korinthos. Quite close to the capital.
Grew up in Sydney Australia, currently living in Armidale NSW (country town 6 hours north of Sydney)
Prineville, Oregon. Pretty much the center of the state.
@jason-kilthau Les Schwab country. I spent the better part of my childhood in John Day/Canyon City.
Melbourne, Australia.
Torino (Turin), Italy. I've just dropped a pin on the royal palace, in case anyone wants to go for a gelato and a stroll through the adjacent painting galleries (not at the same time!).
Schroon Lake, NY in the Adirondacks, @SarahLuAnn I am sill close enough for us to meet up at regional events
Eagle Mountain, Utah
Just outside of Toronto, Ontario Canada
Los Angeles California, and currently trying to get out of this state
York Pennsylvania, the map is such a great idea
I'm from Ireland but living in Fukushima, Japan at present. I just joined the Forum, looking forward to getting involved in the discussions.
Cape Town, South Africa.
Michigan - southwest corner of the "mitten".
I grew up in Ljubljana, Slovenia - that's one of the countries in ex-Yugosloavia, and it looks like a chicken if you look on the map But for a while now I live in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hertfordshire, UK (Just north of London)
The map is so cool! I am from San Diego, CA and I love it here