March Prompt "Book Cover"
@peteolczyk thank you!!
@Squirrelsize I just downloaded a book template last night to mock up my design. Great minds think alike
@hannahmccaffery this is where i grabbed my template.
@Chip-Valecek That's fabulous thanks.
@Squirrelsize Great choice to remove the tree trunk from the back, it flows really nicely. Beautiful work!
Lots of great entries already this month. Many first timers too. It would be cool to see the entries break 100! Here's my submission:
Here's The Story of Doctor Doolittle book cover for the march contest.
Hoping to win a subscription month (fingers crossed). Forever learning!Follow me on instagram:
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain
Original Book by Verna AardemaHope you enjoy. Traditional mixed media. Much love and God bless!
@andersoncarman this is amazing. I love how you chose to go traditional on the portrait and then added that streak of paint digitally. It works beautifully.
@Tyler-Hallstrom Beautiful - so vibrant and powerful!
@ShannonB One of my favourite films but I haven't actually read the book yet - I'm usually the other way around. Great work - I like the greyscale, but I would have liked to see a bit more contrast in the hair
@irwan I love the graphic quality to this, I think it's great. Maybe one bright colour, like bright yellow eyes, would have really lifted it.
@SundayGirl76 Thank you for the feedback, that‘s a good idea, going to try that with colored eyes.
@Dima-Eichhorn Thank you so much!
I used ink and pen and then scanned it and coloured the hair digitally as I felt a different texture might help it stand out from the background
@SundayGirl76 Definitely read the book if you get the chance, it's wonderful, although I do love the movie too! I wrote my college thesis on the book so it has a special place in my heart! Thank you and thanks so much for the feedback, it's really appreciated!
@inkandspatter Hahaha! Thanks, I feel like I kept building it up and then taking some out
Simple is better sometimes
Cover for czech tale "Dlouhý, Å¡iroký a bystrozraký" by Karel JaromÃr Erben, it has also other names:
"Long, Broad and Sharpsight"
"Longshanks, Girth, and Keen: The Story of Three Wonderful Serving Men"
or it is similar to "The Six Servants" by GrimmIt is about three servants helping prince with his quests of finding his enchanted princess (enchanted as an oak nut, gemstone and ring). Long can make himself very long, Broad can go very wide, Sharpsight can destroy rocks without his eye cover or he can see everything through his eye cover.
Hi all!
My twist on the classic- Little Red Riding Hood:)
This month's prompt was definitely a challenge!
SVS LEARN @nikstage -
@Dima-Eichhorn love this!
@jennymwine I haven't read this but I sure want to after seeing your cover! Nice work!