Homeage to my Dad. Thanks to him, I have climbed up more mountains in my life than I'd be able to remember to count, and got lost miles from the correct turn in the trail many more times still. Back in the early 2000s when GPS systems weren't as advanced and convenient as they are now, and the loss of signal and misread of the map would lead to the occasional hickup.
Here’s my entry. Good luck everyone!
@Pilonya great image! I must say though that I wasn’t quite sure what was ‘going wrong’ when I first glanced at this. I came back today and read your post about the unwanted backpack snatchers and then realized the bunnies were the culprits. Initially it appeared to me as though they were just woodland creatures drawn to the beautiful campfire music and were coming closer to listen. Maybe if there’s any other way to portray thievery it would read a bit better. Possibly one with a backpack already around it’s shoulder, tiptoeing away while looking over it’s shoulder and another maybe dangling from a tree while reaching for another backpack, almost in a Mission Impossible manner, would really lend to the theme. Just some thoughts:) Thanks for sharing!
Here's mine!
I decided to go with the worst thing that could happen during summer vacation according to my daughter who loves gymnastics...breaking a leg and not being able to go and enjoy playing outside! This is a character I designed for my portfolio so I thought I would use her as the unfortunate individual for this piece.
Good luck to everyone taking part this month! Taking part in this challenge helped me push through the extreme 'ugly' stage on this painting...the thought of posting it a couple of days ago makes me shudder :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat:
Nothing like a deadline to make you work harder!Now i'm off for a nice cup of tea!
Here is my idea. Nothing says vacation gone wrong than finding out your travel brochure was a little misleading...
Can't even have a relaxing day building sandcastles anymore!
@Gary-Wilkinson NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This turned out wonderfully - I really like this more painterly playful style
@Gary-Wilkinson Duuuune!
@Gary-Wilkinson This is so friggin good.
@Gary-Wilkinson amazing! love this painterly strokes!
@Gary-Wilkinson Fantastic! The sandcastle buckets on their heads is a lovely detail!
This post is deleted! -
Ack my summer vacation gone wrong is missing out on this contest because of summer vacationing XD Are these open till the end of the month?
@NelsonYiap Yep, till the end of this month (July). You can do it!
I am trying to attach my contest entry that I lovingly painted for 6 hours but the image does not seem to load
Does the image have to be already hosted on internet in order to be linked via "image url" button, or there is a way to upload it directly from phone / tablet?
@Akimi-Inari No worries.
If you're on a phone, try scrolling the bar of icons to the left when you're writing your post. Hopefully you'll see the two icons with upward pointing arrows that allow you to upload from your device. Sometimes these other icons go unnoticed because it's not obvious that the bar can be shifted side to side. If this doesn't work, surely someone else will pipe up with another suggestion.
Great prompt this month. I spent a lot of time on this one. Probably too much time but here is my entry! Thanks to those who provided feedback.