Did anyone else ever leave a spoon under their pillow to tip the odds of a snow day in their favor? Wearing pajamas inside out also helped
@Chip-Valecek Thank you!
@MichaelaH you did it!
@Kuarahy I would have tried this if Iโd knownโI like this!
"High Cotton, 'ol times there are not forgotten."
Living in "high cotton" meant times were good. The crops were high and there would be a good harvest. There is a song by Alabama called "High Cotton." It speaks of a family who didn't have much, but as kids they didn't know. They had a happy life with a home filled with love. When I think of my own childhood and those beautiful cotton fields I felt the same way. We had a modest life growing up. Each summer we would pile in the family van and travel down to Alabama. To a place that felt like home even though I never lived there. My Papaw, aunts and uncles and all my cousins lived there. Oh how I loved them and longed to be with our family every time I had to leave. Time has passed and those visits are far and few between, but those times will never be forgotten. This cotton collection is an homage to the family and a land I love so dear!
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@Stacey-Lynn-Schleich I love the story of this image. I would pay more attention to Skycrapers if I get a chance to visit Hong Kong again in the future.
@xin-li That's fabulous!! I love this image so much!!
@Su thank you. I had been doodling thumbnails for "superstition" ever since the topic was announced, but never arrived in a concept I am happy with. I found it so hard to find a believe which is intrigging to me and very visual at the same time. I painted this piece the last moment, glad you liked it :-).
@BichonBistro thanks so much!
@xin-li ha! We also have same superstition in the Philippines!
@marissaarts you got it all in there
what a fun illustration!