@xin-li ha! We also have same superstition in the Philippines!
@marissaarts you got it all in there
what a fun illustration!
@xin-li Not too late!
Thanks everyone for your stellar work!! We'll be holding the next critique arena on Thursday, September 12, so save the date!
We'll be sure to announce the September prompt before then
Hi! Im a brand new svslearn student and this is my first time posting to the forum. I had some technical newbie challenges learning how to post, and getting my account set up. Now I know to check all the tech stuff twice a few days before a contest deadline instead of 30 minutes!
Even if I’m not eligible for the contest, I’d so much appreciate any feedback about my illustration. The part I found most challenging and an area I wish to grow in is character faces and expression.
Doing this illustration and finishing it gave me such a confidence boost that I can start my journey to become an illustrator. I haven’t made art in many years, although I went to art school about 15 years ago, I let life get in the way of my artistic dreams.
The superstition I chose to draw is from India. Legend says that if you walk under a tree wearing perfume, ghosts will follow you home. These ghosts are women with backwards feet, no mouths and really tragic back stories. I chose to play up their witchy-ness to make them more kid friendly. I was inspired by Indian prints and miniatures paintings for the ornamentation, colors, and style. I’m also a big fan of German woodcuts. I used Procreate on my iPad to make it, and had so much fun getting to learn this program, and working digitally in general.
@marissaarts This is so clever! Love it!
@Laurasketches Your composition is wicked good!
@lmrush you called my art "wicked"!! (a word I love...) Thank you!!
@Aaron_T This turned out so well!
@amyvaidart their footsteps would look like they're walking away from you! When really they're getting closerr! so spooky...
@Aleksey oh wow! I never thought of that! That does make them even spookier!
@lmrush a bit late, but thank you so much!
@chrisaakins I loved that movie... and love your piece!
@Norman-Morana So clever. Really like the tone and texture of your work.
@DKRyland This is really good. I love the texture and the simplicity (uncluttered composition) of your work!