Featured Student for February
Two concepts I had for the January contest:
I have been working for a long time to choose a style for my portfolio, and I think i have finally settled on this. I would love to hear people's opinion. Could you see this type of drawing in a children's book? Is it too simplistic? Does it look too digital?
Hey! New student for the new year
Here are some of my recent portfolio pieces
I'm currently working on my portfolio and these 2 pieces are part of my selection (at least for now).
It has been quite the journey. But I can truly say I am enjoying it!
@Olga-Herrera I'm in love with that doggie-with-attitude
watched your progression on IG and the final version is terrific!!
@BichonBistro Thank you, He is now in the finishing stages of a book dummy. Thanks for your support on IG.
@nadyart I love your style! The colors, the soft lines, the story. Beautiful work! Really made me stop and think
@Olga-Herrera Oooh your pieces are great! I'd love to know the story behind the scribble monster
@uzma Thank you Uzma I am actually working on a book dummy for the scribble monster and I just finished a book dummy for the dog. Will be meeting with agents at an upcoming conference and sending queries in the near future. fingers crossed!
@Olga-Herrera That's awesome news! Best of luck