Live event with Brooklyn Walker today!
Starting soon!
@Coreyartus Hi! I sent you link via chat
I'll check on the class!
Thanks, Lisa!
@Coreyartus Not sure if this is what happened for you, but when I tried to access the link from my student account, Chrome blocked the pop up. Once I allowed the pop up, I got the Zoom registration page.
Well, it worked eventually, but I've been using Firefox, so I'm chalking it up to another Firefox interaction issue... hehe... I'm in now, regardless! Thanks so much, Lisa!! You're a peach!
I tried to sign in for about half an hour and gave up. The link takes me to a Safari browser and Chrome kept insisting I install Zoom and then wouldn't install it. Bummed.
@Coreyartus Ok great! We're recording it too
@Kim-Hunter Hmmm, is Safari your default browser? It should work on Safari or Chrome, but it helps if they are the most current version and the pop up windows are not blocked. We are recording the event though, and will add it to the subscription! It will also be available on our Facebook page.
I think you're right about the default although I tried it on Chrome too. I'll change the default and hopefully it will work better next time. My computer is old so maybe I need to upgrade everything.
Hi @LisaF, couldn’t make this one but I loved Brooklyn’s gesture course! Look forward to watching the replay. I completely missed the email too.
Awesome event today! Thanks for doing these. this one was very inspiring.