29 Aug 2020, 08:33

@davidhohn thank you for the links. I am discovering the cancellation culture and Evyan Whitney's story educated me about the origin of call out actions.

That said, I can't reconcile what first was a way for activists to make themselves heard on the behalf of silenced minorities and what is happening in Alphonso/Jake case, which looks (to me) more to be a public trial without presumption of innocence (which is the foundation of the legal system in France, where I am coming from).

I am very puzzled about all this and I suspect I am also lacking references to fully grasp the contextual and cultural components, which transformed what was originally a dispute between two artists, into a social online action.

I will step back from this thread to think of it. Thank you for those who, by sharing their opinion, enlighted me about the cancel culture..

I am just hoping now that the two protagonists will solve the issue quickly and the consequences of it won't be as awful as it seems to be now on a reputational and business standpoint, but also for the sake of the art community.