@pixel-dsp That is really odd!
One of the things I've noticed is that people talk about a bias for/against Jake in terms of whether they like him. When I talk about bias it's mostly to do with familiarity with an artist's work and who their audience is. It's like people forget that even if they've interacted with Jake, they don't actually know him. What must it be like to have so many people on the internet discussing whether they like you? It's so far beside the point.
This thread has helped me be more generous in my thinking toward Alphonso, and for that I'm really grateful. It has given me a clearer picture of where he's coming from (self-publishing and all the frustrations with that) to temper my anger at his happiness over causing a mob and misinforming his students. I think his behavior is not professional and it seems like he wouldn't have done that if his income depended on his professional reputation.