29 Aug 2020, 01:45

I work in the medical field and almost all the medical textbooks have very similar order of presenting and explaining disease entities. In pathology, for example, it is most often: Epidemiology -> Clinical presentation/symptoms -> Pathologic findings -> Prognosis. Authors don’t accuse of each other for presenting concepts with similar titles in the same order, that would be farcical! It’s plagiarism if you copied sentences word for word and rip off the exact same image from another book/article. It would be narcissistic to think that once you’ve published on a topic, no one else should publish on the same topic. That’s like saying artists don’t have their own personal unique point of view to bring to the same topic. So why keep writing love songs when there are thousands of those already...
But I have to voice my concern that will not be popular on this forum: is it at all possible Jake pushed out this book too quickly without enough research to see if there may be risks of plagiarism accusations?...