How do you choose colors?
@NessIllustration this is so beautiful!!! I love you color choice.
@jdubz Now that’s a new perspective for me! I’ll definitely try these tips! Thank you!!
@NessIllustration wow, this is awesome!! Thank you for this!
For anyone wondering, this is what the final piece ended up looking like. It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty happy with it! Thanks for all the wonderful advice everyone!
So much great advise!! I just wanted to add one thing that I was told recently. When you use a lot of line work your colors should be more saturated.
@deborah-Haagenson Interesting! Just curious, but do you know why that is?
@CaseyKinseyArt Yes, because the linework and the colors compete and together can overpower the piece. When I was told this I went and looked at illustrations online and found that many followed this. Of course all rules are made to be broken, but it's something to consider when choosing colors. Especially if something looks off.
I'm a little late to the color party but check out this website! I use it when I have art block in terms of choosing a color palette.
It's a free color generator. You can either screen shot the color palette or download it and place it into your procreate/photoshop. Pretty cool and easy to use website. -
I know the piece is done (excellent work!) but I wanted to share these because I STRUGGLE with color and this artist's demos really really helped me gain some confidence! I essentially try not to worry about the "color" as much anymore and focus more on the "values". It helped me sort of step out of my color box, and have more fun just experimenting with a variety of colors. As long as the values are correct then the colors end up looking much better together!