Anyone going to Pictoplasma?
@sigross This looks cool! Thanks for sharing!
@miranda-hoover Yes it looks great. Looking forward to it. There's an illustrator/animator from the UK featured called Dan Woodger. He's worth checking out.
I just got this from them. If you want to get fully onboard you can download and print off a wristband to wear!
@sigross awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
These online opportunities are definitely the silver lining of 2020!
@sigross Thank You Sigross
Pictoplasma Live broadcast starts today at:
Berlin, Germany 3:30 pm (CEST)
London, UK 2:30 pm (BST)
Los Angeles, USA 6:30 am (PDT)
New York, USA 9:30 am (EDT)
Tokyo, Japan 22:30 pm (JST) -
@sigross The Event will start in 67 minutes
@Shyam-Sailus I love a countdown.
I took the full hit today, just kept switching between the 2 channels. A totally wild mix of everything. Loving it.
Anyone else been watching? -
I started watching the intro but had to stop due to other commitments. Looked good though. Loved the I Feel Love playing during the intro
@danielerossi I saw it's on Vimeo too. So I think you can watch day 1 there if you don't have time to watch it live. I'm back in today, just watched some brilliant animation shorts. Makes me want to get stuck in and make more animations.
LINK to Vimeo: