Art and Injuries
@lpetiti oh, also, the bigger grip on the pen or stylus might really help you if sustained gripping is the issue. So maybe check that out!
@lpetiti hi! I can’t say we’ll have the same experience but what I can say is that my ipad helped me a lot with my hand pain. I hope you’ll enjoy it too/
@xin-li To take pressure off your shoulders its good to have a chair with adjustable arm rests and set them around the height of your desk. I've got a secretlab chair and its probably the best chair I've ever sat in. Bit like having a great friend that's always there sticking up for you. No more back pain, shoulders nice and relaxed. I can even sit cross legged in it. It was expensive but I think my bones are more valuable in the long run.
@Coley thank you so much for the tips. these are helpful.
I have already started doing switching with Cintiq and ipad for various tasks along the process. I will increase the number of times doing stretching throughout the day.@NessIllustration I know what you mean, and I should totally take a pause. But...... it is really really hard to let things go. I know it is probably not worth it long term, but I would feel really bad if I screw up the current projects now. My strategy now is to break the hours down and spread them, so I do not do long hours in one sit. I try to do stretching every hour or so - I basically used up all my breaks for stretching and I am barely on social media and forum these days :-). I have to remind myself to not overbook again. In fact, I should always aim to book about 60-70 percent of my time, rather than 120 percent. This would be my new year resolution for 2021 :-). I think my experience/worries probably matches with a lot of illustrators in the beginning of their career: I am afraid if I say no, the clients will never come back to me. So I say yes to all clients I would like to work with, and ends up with too many projects.
@sigross thank you for the tip! I never thought of having an arm rests will help with shoudler pain. I will defintely look into the chair you mentioned. BTW do you draw with Cintiq? just wondering if the arm rest would work well with drawing on Cintiq.
@lpetiti et. al. Thank you for sharing. I have been struggling with back pain as well and have recently started using one of those "As seen on TV" braces that pull your arms back with velcro (as seen here). It works surprisingly well by keeping me from hunching over while using my drawing tablet.
I also put my desk chair on its lowest (to the ground) setting, and the drawing tablet at its most vertical angle, so that I'm looking more "straight on" than down.
Yoga and stretching (even for a few minutes) has also really helped me during the day as well. Hope this helps and thanks for everyone's advice!
@xin-li I draw on an ipad. The arm rests help for in between actions to reduce fatigue. Also for resting your spare arm, because without arm rests then it can cause the habit to lean forward, hunch up and rest your non-drawing arm on the desk. Writing that made me remember my Mum teaching me "Elbows off the table!"
In the last few months, I've also developed shoulder and upper back pain.
I recently purchased an upper back support brace like the one @JoshuaDages mentions. I still haven't gotten used to it yet and there's still body aches involved.
I've also been researching proper postures and ergonomic tips for artists so I'm just posting a few helpful links I came across.Wrist issues when drawing cintiq and tablet to Hold a Graphics Tablet Pen Correctly [ ERGOMICS! ] for the Artist: Part 2: How I Sit While Drawing've just ordered a cintiq 16 and though I'm excited to start working on it, I'm also concerned about using it with correct posture and ergonomics.
@Neha-Rawat Thank you for these! They were very helpful. I'm on a mission to get my workspace setup and posture as perfect as possible!
I've had to alter my art process to accommodate various things--neck pain, migraines, wrist and elbow pain... Doing regular yoga/pilates to stretch and strengthen the core and improve posture is very helpful. And I take breaks when I need it--skipping a day or two and finding something else to work on is worth it if needed after I push things too far.
I found that the Wacom website has some tips for ergonomics -
@xin-li Thanks
@sigross I finally got my iPad and already I see a HUGE difference in the way I work. Yesterday was the first time in two weeks I was able to draw for longer than a couple of minutes (granted, I may have also overdid it a liiiiittle bit, but that's another story). Now the trick is trying to make myself realize that I'm not completely healed yet while still not being afraid to pick up a pencil (or Apple Pencil) once again.
@lpetiti That's great to hear. iPad's are brilliant! I love the ipencil, it's perfect for drawing with. My first stylus was like a giant crayon, they've come a long way since then.