WIP Yeti Dec contest
Hi all, this is my second attempt to draw any kind of monsters, I don't know how to judge my work except when I add some color, any feedback is appreciated! -
I really like the clothing elements you've included, it's clear that yeti has seen some stuff. The brown shoulder cap looks a bit flat. Perhaps if you raise it up slightly it will break up the sellout a bit.
@Naters-Calderone Thank you for the feedback, I will do exactly what you said, I was thinking it was missing something.
Hi this is how my Yeti is progressing, feedback and critique are very welcome
Hi again, now after watching areina yesterday, I am a bit confused should I go cute or the original cave Yeti one?
@shereen-said I think they are both valid ideas. It's how you interpert the prompt. My main critique is while looking at the two you've added color to, the face looks finished and nicely finished, but the body looks like a colour study to me. Is it digital?
Back to cute vs. Cave man, I can tell the caveman one is a yet I, but the cute one lokks more like something is see in monsters inc.
@Meg-Clayburn-0 thank you, yes it`s digital, I didn't finish the body yet only the face.
@shereen-said ok. Sweet. The body just looked more airbrushed, and the face looks like it could've been colored pencil.
As @shereen-said these are both valid interpretations but I actually really like the cookie eating version! I can totally see what @Meg-Clayburn-0 means about monsters inc. but I also loved monsters inc! So maybe you could emphasise a bit more fur to make him a little more yeti-ish but he’s a really appealing character!
@shereen-said haha these instantly put a smile on my face! I love them. I’m getting more and more excited for this month’s prompt based on what I’ve seen so far. I think we’re in for some great designs.
@DaveLeekArt thank you very much, glade you liked it!
@Lorna-H I thought that he looked a bit like monsters from inc, I will try to make him a more Yeti, thank you for your feedback!