Hi! My name is Abbey. I am a 30 year old stay-at-home mom of 3. I started taking art seriously about 2 years ago and decided maybe 6 months ago that I want to work towards becoming a children’s illustrator. I am so glad I found SVS and all of the amazing classes! Though my time is Very limited I figured I should jump in and get connected here as well! What would you say are the most beneficial things about the forums and what should i keep an eye out for etc?
Thanks! -
Welcome you sound like me lol! 3 kids with little time! The forums are a great place to find support and feedback on work. Also the monthly critique contests are always fun!
Hello Abbey! I'm Valerie. I've been an SVS member for maybe 8 months now, but I've only been active on the forum for about 2 months and it has helped me grow SO MUCH. I love using the forum to set challenges for myself like posting classwork or project updates regularly, or ask for feedback on my website monthly. Consistently trading feedback with other aspiring illustrators is giving me a great sense of community, and the more I chime in and participate, the more I learn. If you're not ready to ask for feedback, you can always post in the "Our SVS Virtual Studio" monthly thread, which is a no-critique zone to show whatever you're working on.
Welcome! I'll look out for your posts! -
Yes! Very little time lol when do you find time to take classes and draw? I have studio time at night from about 8 to at least 10 if not much later (depending on how tired i am lol) I’m enjoying it though! -
Hi Valerie! Thanks for all of the info! I’ll start looking around some more and may post my works. I checked out your website and love your style and designs! -
@AbbeyK that’s how I started you know. But I found that made me exhausted the next day so I began just dedicating some time here and there. I need to produce art to keep my sanity and my family knows that. I can’t fill their teacups if my pot is empty. I will still stay up a little through it’s the only quiet time.
@AbbeyK thank you so much!