Is there a faster way...?
I am doing work for hire pieces for a TV show and they want the original psd file as well as a jpg and pdf. The pix are running between 58MB and 3.2 GB and They are taking FOREVER to upload via email. That's even with creating them as Google links. Is there a faster way to share big files? Or conversely to reduce file size without compromising quality and resolution. Part of the issue is they need the illustrations to be 27 x 40 inches. Thanks o smart and tech savvy people!
I think you could use wetransfer. The premium service allows uploads higher than 2gb.
@chrisaakins I am researching the same topic and came across this website:
One of the specialized websites seems to be
They charge $.25 per gigabyte and there is a free trial of up to 100gb.Hope that it helps you too.
@chrisaakins I have shared large files by sharing a link to a Dropbox folder with the files in it....been a while... i think it was pretty easy though.
When I worked on a tv show we tranfered everything through an ftp, through a program called fetch. Maybe ask them if they have one or if they can set one up. My other suggestion would be dropbox.
Like others have said, Dropbox is great. Free version you get 2GB of storage. $10 a month you get 2T of storage. You can give them direct access to a folder as well.
@chrisaakins I’ve also had better luck uploading everything to a file on Google drive first and then giving them the shared link, for some reason that doesn’t take as long as it does when you attach it to an email, but check to make sure it doesn’t compress the quality!