"A sprout is growing...
Out of a little floor crack.
In a corner of this Marine Musuem.
People browse the dead.
But I look at new life.
Sniff, sniff, touch, touch...
Aren't the living better than the lifeless?"
@KathrynAdebayo You are so right! @kylebeaudette Pretty cool!
@KathrynAdebayo thank you!! I love Quentin Blake
@LauraA This is so cute
@KathrynAdebayo Agreed. And there's a story aspect to the lady and the plant's relationship too!
@donnamakesart this is beautiful, great texture and shapes! @Jeremy-Ross great idea! @chrisaakins my fav of your great inktober series!
@Jeremiahbrown Awesome!
@emily_elizabeth Thank you!
@Norman-Morana This is such a cute concept, love it!!
@aurelia has my vote!!!
@donnamakesart Thank you
Your piece is so cool, I like these abstract shapes!