@moana-maureen I really like the style you created here. I would love to hear about your process. It almost looks like you painted it in oils. Did you do this in Photoshop? Details! I want details!
@chrisaakins This is my favorite, hands down. Such an original concept!
Here is my entry for January.
When I began thinking about concepts, I realized that my only firsthand associations with tigers were either from the circus or the zoo...neither one terribly popular ideas in this modern time. I began researching the native locations of tigers, and then began concepting with the location of India in mind, because I have always been fascinated by India: the beautiful people, the fashion, the colors, the amazing patterns...
I imagine a young girl growing up in an a family of acrobats who adopts a baby tiger and teaches it some amazing skills. I've got the cover, now I just need to make the book! -
@cory-leick very beautiful I love the colors
Hi everyone! Good to be back!
I initially struggled to come up with a concept for this one. After feeling frustrated & just wanting to sit out again, I ended up feeling inspired by my "imposter syndrome." Go figure! And the seedling of a new manuscript is born.
@asyas_illos Hilarious. Absolutely love it!
@cory-leick aww thanks!
@cory-leick I love your cover and the story behind it. So professional!

@chrisaakins Hi Chris, I'm happy to share details, glad you are interested
. So, I don't work in oils. I often do my backgrounds traditionally either in acrylics or watercolour. This one I did in acrylics. I draw the figures in pencil and then scan everything in and place them together in photoshop. I add some textures that I made and scanned in beforehand using one of the photoshop layer modes. So it's a mixed media approach. Hope this was helpful
@cory-leick Beautiful! Great colours and storytelling.
Here's my entry for January. Thought I'd practise some more lighting and perspective.
Loving all the entries this month! -
@merry-millergass I love this!
Mine is not spectacularly creative but I wanted to try drawing tigers so here it is. When I showed it to my adult son, he said, "Which one am I?" He thought it was autobiographical since I am a single mother with three kids
It's traditional watercolor overlaid with digital pen and ink (all mushed together in Procreate.)
@demotlj It's good to see you back in the contests! I recognized your work as soon as I saw it.
@chrisaakins I retired on January 1st so I've got more time to work on things. I recommend retirement to everyone
Hi! This month I’ve oscillated between multiple ideas, but decided for this one because I could practise painting a character I probably will be using for a book (that old lady) in future. Putting a tiger in it and make it all work was a great challenge!
The days I pass in deep regret...
For cleaning and mopping is my destiny set.
The king is out so at least I'll dream...
Of a most royal life ruling o'er all that is seen.
The laws of the jungle ever so fierce...
Keep me from greatness and my hopes they do pierce.
A difficult place yet still here I dwell...
So cleaning and scrubbing must I do and do well. -
@lisaf Hi 1. the longest side needs to be 1200 pixels -does that include the name identification part at the bottom or just the artwork? First time doing this, so just curious. Thanks,
Environments and backgrounds area huge focus for me this year - I find them to be SO tricky! This drawing definitely had major "forest" vibes when I started but I hope I landed somewhere more "jungle" in the end.
Great entries this time! I didn't realize how many directions this prompt could go in.